


Mockup tool to feed a database with fake random values

  • The fake value is generated according to the field label property.
  • A few common fields are recognized automatically
  • If the label is undefined or not recognized, it tries to look at the field type property instead (text, number, date)

Recognized field labels are:

  • name
  • first name
  • last name
  • full name
  • company name
  • department
  • email
  • phone
  • address
  • address 1
  • address 2
  • zip code
  • city
  • country
  • title
  • description
  • priority
  • status

The fake values are generated one field at a time, so, to feed a complete record, you must loop over its list of fields.

const userRecord = {}
userModel.getFields().forEach(field => userRecord[] = kiss.db.faker(field))
Name Type Description
field object | string

An object defining a label and a type | A simple string for the label ("First name") or the type ("number")

View Source client/core/db/faker.js, line 49

kiss.db.faker({label: "First name"}) can return "Julia"
kiss.db.faker("First name") can return "Julia"
kiss.db.faker({label: "Full name"}) can return "Julia Giordini"
kiss.db.faker({label: "Amount", type: "number"}) can return 123
kiss.db.faker({label: "Workload", type: "float", min: 0, max: 100, precision: 2}) can return 42.42
kiss.db.faker({label: "Invoice date", type: "date", year: 2020}) can return "2020-05-27"
kiss.db.faker("date") can return "1984-05-31"
kiss.db.faker("priority") can return "high"
kiss.db.faker("status") can return "in progress"


# static generate(fields, numberOfRecords) → {Array.<object>}

Generate multiple fake records

Name Type Description
fields Array.<object>
numberOfRecords number

View Source client/core/db/faker.js, line 320

  • An array of fake records