


Simple translation management

Provides 4 functions to translate the texts:

  • txt
  • txtTitleCase
  • txtUpperCase
  • txtLowerCase


  • You can also merge data directly into the translated text using a "merge" object (see below).
  • Any translation which is not found will fallback to the text passed to the function.
  • Any unfound text will be automatically stored into the "missingTexts" variable to ease the debug phase

View Source client/core/modules/language.js, line 19


# static texts

All the static texts used in the UI components

View Source client/core/modules/language.texts.js, line 6


# static get() → {string}

Get the current language

  • first check the url parameter "language" (for example: &language=fr)
  • if no parameter, tries to get the browser language
  • defaults to "en" (English)

View Source client/core/modules/language.js, line 105

The current language. Examples: "en", "fr", "de", "it"...


# static init()

    1. Set the language from the browser settings, or system locales, or localStorage
    1. Consolidate the library's texts and the specific application's texts into a single object to lookup

View Source client/core/modules/language.js, line 76

# static select()

Open a window to switch the language

View Source client/core/modules/language.js, line 287

# static set(newLanguage)

Switch to another language

Name Type Description
newLanguage *

View Source client/core/modules/language.js, line 193

# static setAvailable(languages)

Set the available languages

Name Type Description
languages Array.<object>

Passeed as an array of objects with a "code" and a "name" property

View Source client/core/modules/language.js, line 67


     code: "en",
     name: "English"
     code: "fr",
     name: "Français"
     code: "es",
     name: "Español"

# static showMissingTexts() → {string}

Show all missing texts in the console

View Source client/core/modules/language.js, line 203

  • All the missing texts

# static showTranslationWindow()

Show a window to translate texts without translation

View Source client/core/modules/language.js, line 215

# static translate(key, customSourceTextsopt, merge) → {string}

Return a localized text from a key, or a fallback text If a translation is missing, the text key is stored into the "kiss.language.missingTexts" array, in order to ease the debug phase. When a merge object is passed as a parameter, the values are merged into the final string.

Name Type Attributes Description
key string

The text key, which should be in lowercase by convention (txtTitleCase, txtUpperCase, and txtLowerCase handle the case)

customSourceTexts object <optional>

Custom source texts. Must be provided in the same format as default source texts. See example.

merge object

Contextual data that must be merged into the text

View Source client/core/modules/language.js, line 158

  • The localized text, or the key passed to the function if not found
txt("hello") // bonjour
txtTitleCase("hello") // Bonjour
txt("hello %firstName %lastName", null, {firstName: "Bob", lastName: "Wilson"}) // bonjour Bob Wilson
txt("Devil number: %num%num%num", null, {num: 6}) // Devil number: 666

let customSource = {
     "apple": {
         fr: "pomme"
     "banana": {
         fr: "banana"
     "fruits": {
         en: "choose between those fruits...",
         fr: "choisissez parmi ces fruits..."

txtTitleCase("apple", customSource) // Apple
txtUpperCase("banana", customSource) // BANANA
txtTitleCase("fruits", customSource) // Choose between those fruits...

txtUpperCase("fruits", customSource) // CHOISISSEZ PARMI CES FRUITS...