



# static cachedNodes

Contains nodes temporarily detached from the DOM

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# static viewControllers

Contains view controllers functions

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# static viewMetas

Contains view meta informations for SEO

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# static viewRenderers

Contains view renderers functions

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# static views

Contains all the views that are already built

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# static addView(config)

Add a view by storing its renderer function in the list of view renderers.

It does NOT store a view, but instead stores a view 'renderer' function that will generate the view later, and only when needed. The renderer function receives 2 parameters:

  • the view id
  • the view target: insertion point in the DOM to insert the view

Note: using this method is equivalent to using{ id, renderer })

When using KissJS for building a SEO-friendly website, you can use meta configuration to help search engine understand your content. Meta information currently supported is:

  • url
  • locale
  • site_name
  • type: website | article | ...
  • title
  • description
  • author
  • image
  • audio
  • video
  • other tags will generate a basic meta, like: <meta name="..." content="...">

KissJS is dispatching information properly so you don't have to repeat yourself. For example, if you enter a title, this will generate:

  • a <title> tag
  • an opengraph title
  • a twitter title

If meta 'url' property has multiple languages set up, the first is canonical and other are alternate:

meta: {
 url: {
     en: "",
     fr: ""

// Will generate this in the header:
<link rel="canonical" href="">
<link rel="alternate" hreflang="fr" href="">
Name Type Description
config object
id string

The id of the view to add

renderer function

The function that will build the view when needed

meta object

Meta informations injected in the HTML header. Can be localized or not. See example.

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 id: "myView",
 renderer: function (id, target) {
     let myView = ... // Must be an Html element or a KissJS component = id // The view must have the passed id = target // The view can optionaly have a target to be inserted at a specific point in the DOM
     return myView

// Example of a view using meta informations{
 id: "myProductPage",
 meta: {
     title: "CRM", // Meta without localization
     // Meta with localization
     description: {
         en: "A useful CRM",
         fr: "Un CRM utile"
 renderer: function(id, target) {
     // ...

// Example returning a KissJS panel{
 id: "myPanel",
 renderer: function (id, target) {
     return createPanel({
         title: "My panel",
         icon: "fas fa-check",

         width: 300,
         height: 200,
         align: "center",
         verticalAlign: "center",

         draggable: true,
         modal: true,
         closable: true,
         expandable: true,

         layout: "vertical", // => The content will be "display: flex" and "flex-flow: column"
         items: [{
                 type: "html",
                 flex: 1, // Fill maximum space
                 html: `<h3>Title</h3>
                      <p>Hello world</p>
                 type: "button",
                 text: "Say hello",
                 icon: "far fa-comment",
                 action: () => createNotification("Hello!")

// Display the view"myPanel")

// Display the view using the router

// ...or
 ui: "myPanel"

# static addViewController(id, controller)

Adds a view controller

Name Type Description
id string

The view id which will receive the controller

controller function

The view controller

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# static deleteCachedNode(id)

Deletes a node which is in cache to free memory

Name Type Description
id string

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# static get(id) → {HTMLElement}

Get a view from its id

Name Type Description
id string

The id of the view

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The DOM node that represents the view


# static getCachedNode() → {HTMLElement}

Get a cached node

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The DOM node actually cached, or null if not found


# static remove(id)

Remove a view OR any node from its id

  • removes the view if it exists
  • delete the node and its children
  • unsubscribe the node and its children from PubSub to avoid memory leaks
Name Type Description
id string

The id of the view

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# static removeAndCacheNode(id) → {HTMLElement}

Remove a node from the DOM and keep it temporarily in cache for future use. It stores an object that keeps track of the parent and the index within its sibling nodes, like this:

{parentId: "abc", index: 4, node: theCachedNode}

Tech note:

  • Removed elements are kept in a cache to not be garbage collected, so they can be used later.
  • Compared to display:none, removed elements are not triggering their events anymore.
  • When you have a huge number of hidden elements, preventing them from participating in the events and pubsub mechanism gives a massive performance boost.
Name Type Description
id string

The id of the node Element

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The DOM node Element that was removed and cached


# static replaceBy(id, targetopt) → {HTMLElement}

Show a view and replace other views in the same container.

All the replaced views are pushed into the cache (kiss.views.cachedNodes) for future use.

Name Type Attributes Description
id string

The id of the view

target string <optional>

The DOM node where the view should be replaced

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The DOM node that represents the view

Example"view 1", "containerId") // Displays view 1
kiss.views.replaceBy("view 2", "containerId") // Replace view 2 inside the container. View 2 is pushed into kiss.views.cachedNodes

# static reset(viewId)

Destroys a view and rebuild it

Name Type Description
viewId string

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# static restoreCachedNode(id) → {HTMLElement}

Restore a node and inserts it at its previous position within its parent node

Name Type Description
id string

The id of the node Element to restore

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The DOM node Element that was restore into the DOM


# static show(id, targetopt, exclusiveopt) → {HTMLElement}

Show a view at a specific point of the DOM

If no target has been specified, the view is inserted into the document body.

When calling this method, the view is either built, or retrieved from the cache if it already exists.

If a view is displayed inside a non-empty container, there are 2 scenarii:

  • by default, the view is appended to the container's children
  • if the view is "exclusive", it will replace all other children of the container (that will be pushed into the cache for future use)
Name Type Attributes Description
id string

The id of the view

target string <optional>

The DOM node where the view should be inserted

exclusive boolean <optional>

Indicates if the view must be shown exclusively to other sibling views within its parent container

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The DOM node that represents the view

// Example 1:"view 1", "containerId") // Displays view 1"view 2", "containerId") // Append view 2 to the container

// Example 2:"view 1", "containerId") // Displays view 1"view 2", "containerId", true) // Replace view 2 inside the container. View 2 is pushed into kiss.views.cachedNodes

// Example 3:"view 1", "containerId") // Displays view 1
kiss.views.replaceBy("view 2", "containerId") // Equivalent to previous example