


A simple client router

It also works with local files paths (file:///)

  • Initialize the router at application startup using: router.init(setup)
  • Trigger a new route using: kiss.router.navigateTo(newRoute)
  • The router also observes url hash changes and automatically triggers new routes accordingly

When initializing the router, you can optionally define what to do:

  • before a routing event occurs, using "beforeRouting" callback
  • after the routing event occurred, using "afterRouting" callback
// 1) Init your app router:
 beforeRouting: async () => { await doStuff() },
 afterRouting: async () => { await doOtherStuff() }

// 2) Use it to change your application route:
const newApplicationRoute = {ui: "homepage", applicationId: "123", viewId: "456"}

// 3) Get the current application route by reading the url hash:
const currentApplicationRoute = kiss.router.getRoute()

View Source client/core/modules/router.js, line 33


# static hooks

Hooks to modify the router behavior before and after routing

View Source client/core/modules/router.js, line 222

# static publicRoutes

Default list of public routes which doesn't require authentication.

Add custom public routes using addPublicRoutes([...]) method.

By default, the following routes are public:

  • authentication-login
  • authentication-register
  • authentication-reset-password
  • authentication-error

View Source client/core/modules/router.js, line 45


# static addPublicRoutes(publicRoutes)

Add some public routes

Name Type Description
publicRoutes Array.<string>

View Source client/core/modules/router.js, line 102

# static getRoute() → {object}

Get the current application route from the url hash.

For example:

  • if current url is: http://.../...#ui=homepage&applicationId=123&viewId=456
  • the output is: {ui: "homepage", applicationId: "123", viewId: "456"}

View Source client/core/modules/router.js, line 159


# static init(setup)

Init the router

It will observe any url hash change, which will:

  • perform a custom action before triggering the new route
  • perform a custom action after the routing
Name Type Attributes Description
setup object

The router setup, containing the 2 methods:

publicRoutes Array.<string> <optional>

Define public routes (skip login)

beforeRouting function <optional>

Method to execute before routing

afterRouting function <optional>

Method to execute after routing

View Source client/core/modules/router.js, line 64

# static isPublicRoute() → {boolean}

Check if the current route (given by the ui parameter) is public

View Source client/core/modules/router.js, line 111


# static navigateTo(newRoute, resetopt)

Navigate to a new hash It indirectly triggers the new route by dispatching the window's hashchange event.

Name Type Attributes Description
newRoute object | string
reset boolean <optional>

Set to true to reset the previous route before routing to a new one

View Source client/core/modules/router.js, line 132

// Using an object
const newRoute = {ui: "homepage", applicationId: "123", viewId: "456"}

// Using a string
kiss.router.navigateTo("home-start") // Is equivalent to: kiss.router.navigateTo({ui: "home-start"})

# static setPublicRoutes(publicRoutes)

Set the public routes

Name Type Description
publicRoutes Array.<string>

View Source client/core/modules/router.js, line 93

# static updateUrlHash(newRoute, resetopt)

Update URL hash according to new route params.

Name Type Attributes Description
newRoute object
reset boolean <optional>

True to reset the current hash

View Source client/core/modules/router.js, line 172

kiss.router.updateUrlHash({chapter: 10, section: 2}, true)