



# static categories

Message accepted categories

The logger will only log the messages of the accepted categories. The category of the message is its first word, and can be anything. It's up to you to decide your logging strategy.

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# static data

Defines if the logger logs data too. false: only messages. true: messages and data

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# static history

History of all logged messages

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# static maxLength

Maximum length of the history (used to limit memory consumption)

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# static types

Message types:

  • "*" means all accepted (default behavior)
  • 0: messages
  • 1: informations
  • 2: acknowledges
  • 3: warnings
  • 4: errors

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# static init(config)

Initialize the logger

Name Type Attributes Description
config object
data boolean <optional>

false: only messages. true: messages and data (default)

types array <optional>

Log only the messages of these types, for example: [3,4]. Default to ["*"] (meaning everything is logged).

categories Array.<string> <optional>

Log only the messages of these types, for example: ["db", "socket"]. Default to ["*"] (meaning everything is logged).

maxLength number <optional>

Maximum number of messages kept into looger's history

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// Will log the messages starting with the word "database" or the word "socket", like "db - find()", or "socket connected!"
 types: [0, 3, 4],
 categories: ["database", "socket"],
 maxLength: 20

// The category of this message is "database", and it will be logged.
// The error will be display too.
log("database access denied", 4, err)

// The category of this message is "database", but it will not be logged because of type 2:
log("database successfuly updated", 2)

// The type of this message is 0 (default), but it will not be logged because its category is "view":
log("view - Sent to cache")

# static log(msg, typeopt, dataopt)

console.log wrapper

Sends a colored message in the console, and keeps the history in kiss.logger.history.

Name Type Attributes Description
msg string

The msg to log

type integer <optional>

(default) 0=message (black), 1=info (blue), 2=acknowledge (green), 3=warning (orange), 4=error (red)

data * <optional>

Optional data to show in the console

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// Simple log
log("database - Trying to update...")

// Write the message in green (type 2) and also show the data:
const update = {lastName: "Wilson"}
log("database updated successfuly", 2, update)

# static replay(count)

Replay the log history

Name Type Description
count integer

Number of messages to replay

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# static show()

Show the history of all logged messages

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