


The Dialog box is just a Panel with pre-defined items:

  • OK button
  • Cancel button, except when dialog type = "message"
  • Field to input a value if type = "input" or "select"
  • Clicking on the OK button triggers the specified action.
  • Clicking on the Cancel button close the dialog.

# new Dialog(config)

You can create a Dialog using the class or using the shorthand:

// Using kiss namespace
new kiss.ui.Dialog(config)

// Using the class
new Dialog(config)

// Using the shorthand
Name Type Attributes Description
config object | string

Configuration object, or a simple text to display in the dialog box

id string <optional>

optional id in case you need to manage this dialog by id

type string

dialog | message | danger | input | select. Default = "dialog"

message string
textAlign string

use "center" to center the text in the dialog box

action function

Function called if the user clicks on the OK button. The function receives the input value if the dialog type is "input"

options Array.<object> <optional>

Only for "select" type: define the list of options.

multiple boolean <optional>

Only for "select" type: allow to select multiple options.

users boolean <optional>

Only for "directory" type: allow to select users

groups boolean <optional>

Only for "directory" type: allow to select groups

roles boolean <optional>

Only for "directory" type: allow to select roles

autoClose boolean <optional>

if true (default), the window is closed on validation. If false, the window is closed only if the function returns true.

icon string <optional>

Header icon

header string <optional>

set to false to hide the header

headerHeight string <optional>
headerColor string <optional>
headerBackgroundColor string <optional>
title string <optional>
buttonOKPosition string <optional>

"left" | "right" (default = "right")

buttonOKText string <optional>

Text of the "OK" button. Default = "OK"

buttonCancelText string <optional>

Text of the "Cancel" button. Default = "Cancel"

iconOK string | boolean <optional>

Icon of the "OK" button, or false to hide the icon

iconCancel string | boolean <optional>

Icon of the "Cancel" button, or false to hide the icon

colorOK string <optional>

Hexa color code of the OK button

colorCancel string <optional>

Hexa color code of the Cancel button

noOK string <optional>

If true, hide the OK button

noCancel string <optional>

If true, hide the Cancel button

top string | number <optional>
left string | number <optional>
width string | number <optional>
height string | number <optional>
animation string <optional>

Check component's animations

View Source client/ui/elements/dialog.js, line 83


// Display a simple message box: it only has an OK button
 message: "Your asset is ready"

// Same thing, using just a text as argument
createDialog("Your asset is ready")

// Display a dialog box: it has OK and Cancel buttons
 type: "dialog",
 message: "Do you want to do that?",
 action: () => console.log("You've done that!")

// Display a danger box: OK button and header are red + exclamation icon
 type: "danger",
 message: "Do you want to delete the database?",
 action: () => console.log("You've deleted the database!")

// Display a dialog box with an input field: the callback catches the entered value
 type: "input",
 message: "Please enter your name:",
 action: (enteredValue) => console.log("You've entered " + enteredValue)

// Display a dialog box with a select field: the callback catches the selected values in an array
 type: "select",
 message: "Please select your items:",
 multiple: true, // Allow to select multiple options
 options: ["Item A", "Item B", "Item C"],
 action: (enteredValues) => console.log("You've entered " + enteredValues.join(" / "))