


Load some .js and .css into the page header. This is mainly used in development mode, when the library is not yet bundled and minified

View Source client/core/kiss.js, line 306


# async static loadLibrary(config)

Load KissJS library dynamically from all its source files.

  • In development, KissJS is a collection of javascript and css files that must loaded separately
  • Ui eXtensions (UX) always need to be loaded manually and separately
  • In production, KissJS is bundled and doesn't require to load modules dynamically

Please note that dynamic loading of libraries is a bit tricky and hacky:

  • Because a librariy can depend on another one, they must be loaded in the right order
  • KissJS uses this technic because the native browser module system doesn't support file:// path (and KissJS does)
  • We couldn't use external dependencies (like requirejs, systemjs...) which don't work with file path (file://)
Name Type Description
config object
libraryPath object

The path to the library root folder

useDb object

If false, load the library without the db/data related scripts

View Source client/core/kiss.js, line 595

# static loadScript(path, optionsopt, paramsopt)

Load a script file asynchronously into the page.

Name Type Attributes Default Description
path string

Provide the path to the javascript file, without the extension .js

options object <optional>

Optional object to pass any custom attributes

params object <optional>

Optional object to change loader behavior

autoAddExtension string <optional>

The extension to auto append to the path url.

View Source client/core/kiss.js, line 494

 .then(() => {
     console.log("Javascript file loaded!")

// With options. This is equivalent to:
// <script async type="text/javascript" src="" id="dropboxjs" data-app-key="2tkajpbphy1m8dj"></script>
kiss.loader.loadScript("", {
 id: "dropboxjs",
 "data-app-key": "2tkajpbphy1m8dj"

# static loadScripts(paths)

Load many scripts asynchronously and resolve Promise when all scripts are loaded

Name Type Description
paths Array.<string>

Array of javascript file paths to load, without .js extension

View Source client/core/kiss.js, line 555

 ]).then(() => {
     console.log("All javascript files are loaded!")

# static loadStyle(path)

Load a CSS file asynchronously into the page

Name Type Description
path string

Provide the path to the CSS files, without the extension .css

View Source client/core/kiss.js, line 526

 .then(() => {
     console.log("CSS file loaded!")

# static loadStyles(paths)

Load many styles asynchronously and resolve Promise when all styles are loaded

Name Type Description
paths Array.<string>

Array of CSS file paths to load, without .cess extension

View Source client/core/kiss.js, line 574

 ]).then(() => {
     console.log("All CSS files are loaded!")