


The Timeline derives from DataComponent.


# new Timeline(config)

Its a Custom Web Component. Do not use the constructor directly with the new keyword. Instead, use one of the 3 following methods:

Create the Web Component and call its init method:

const myTimeline = document.createElement("a-timeline").init(config)

Or use the shorthand for it:

const myTimeline = createTimeline({
  id: "my-table",
  color: "#00aaee",
  // Params that are specific to the timeline
  startDateField: "projectStartDate",
  endDateField: "projectEndDate",
  titleField: "projectName",
  period: "1 month",

  // Columns must match the Model's fields
  columns: [
          id: "firstName", // Must match the model's field id
          type: "text",
          title: "First name",
          id: "lastName",
          type: "text",
          title: "Last name",
          id: "birthDate",
          type: "date",
          title: "Birth date"

  // We can define a menu with custom actions
  actions: [
          text: "Group by country and city",
          icon: "fas fa-sort",
          action: () => $("my-table").groupBy(["Country", "City"])
  // We can add custom methods, and also override default ones
  methods: {

     // Override the createRecord method
     createRecord(model) {
         // Create a record from this model

     // Override the selectRecord method
     selectRecord(record) {
         // Show the clicked record

     sayHello: () => console.log("Hello"),

Name Type Attributes Description
config object
date string <optional>

The initial date to display in the timeline (default = today)

titleField string <optional>

The field to use as the title for the first column (default = first text field found in the model, or the record id if no text field was found)

startDateField boolean <optional>

The field to use as the start date for the timeline (default = first date field found in the model, or the creation date if no date field was found)

endDateField boolean <optional>

The field to use as the end date for the timeline (default = second date field found in the model, or the modification date if no date field was found)

period string <optional>

"1 week" | "2 weeks" | "3 weeks" | "1 month" (default) | "2 months" | "3 months" | "4 months" | "6 months" | "1 year"

colorField boolean <optional>

The field to use as the color for the timeline (default = none)

collection Collection

The data source collection

record object <optional>

Record to persist the view configuration into the db

columns Array.<object> <optional>

Where each column is: {title: "abc", type: "text|number|integer|float|date|button", id: "fieldId", button: {config}, renderer: function() {}}

color string <optional>

Hexa color code. Ex: #00aaee

rowHeight string <optional>

CSS row height in pixels. Ex: 40px

showColumnType boolean <optional>

true to display an icon in the header indicating the column type (default = false)

showToolbar boolean <optional>

false to hide the toolbar (default = true)

showPagerIndex boolean <optional>

false to hide the pager index (default = true)

showScroller boolean <optional>

false to hide the virtual scroller (default = true)

showActions boolean <optional>

false to hide the custom actions menu (default = true)

showLayoutButton boolean <optional>

false to hide the button to adjust the layout (default = true)

showGroupButtons boolean <optional>

false to hide the button to expand/collapse groups (default = true)

canSearch boolean <optional>

false to hide the search button (default = true)

canSelect boolean <optional>

false to hide the selection checkboxes (default = true)

canSort boolean <optional>

false to hide the sort button (default = true)

canFilter boolean <optional>

false to hide the filter button (default = true)

canGroup boolean <optional>

false to hide the group button (default = true)

canSelectFields boolean <optional>

Can we select the fields (= columns) to display in the table? (default = true)

canChangePeriod boolean <optional>

false to hide the possibility to change period (1 month, 2 weeks...) (default = true)

canCreateRecord boolean <optional>

Can we create new records from the timeline?

createRecordText boolean <optional>

Optional text to insert in the button to create a new record, instead of the default model's name

iconAction boolean <optional>

Font Awesome icon class to display the "open record" symbol. Defaults to "far fa-file-alt"

actions Array.<object> <optional>

Array of menu actions, where each menu entry is: {text: "abc", icon: "fas fa-check", action: function() {}}

width number | string <optional>
height number | string <optional>

View Source client/ui/data/timeline.js, line 67


Generated markup

<a-timeline class="a-timeline">
     <div class="timeline-toolbar">
         <!-- Timeline toolbar items -->
     <div class="timeline-header-container">
         <div class="timeline-header-1st-column">
             <!-- Header 1st column -->
         <div class="timeline-header">
             <!-- Header other columns -->
     <div class="timeline-body-container">
         <div class="timeline-body-1st-column">
             <!-- Body 1st column -->
         <div class="timeline-body">
             <!-- Body other columns -->
     <div class="timeline-virtual-scroller-container">
         <div class="timeline-virtual-scroller"></div>


# goToIndex(index)

Scroll to a chosen index

Name Type Description
index number

View Source client/ui/data/timeline.js, line 386

# goToRecord(recordId) → {number}

Scroll to a chosen record

Name Type Description
recordId string

View Source client/ui/data/timeline.js, line 375

The index of the found record, or -1 if not found


# highlightRecord(recordId)

Highlight a chosen record

Name Type Description
recordId string

View Source client/ui/data/timeline.js, line 364

# next()

Display the timeline one day after

View Source client/ui/data/timeline.js, line 315


# previous()

Display the timeline one day before

View Source client/ui/data/timeline.js, line 302


# refresh()

Generic method to refresh / re-render the view

Note: used in dataComponent (parent class) showSearchBar method. This method is invoked to refresh the view after a full-text search has been performed

View Source client/ui/data/timeline.js, line 329

# resetSearchMode()

Reset search mode

View Source client/ui/data/timeline.js, line 632

# async setColor(newColor)

Update the timeline color (toolbar buttons + modal windows)

Name Type Description
newColor string

View Source client/ui/data/timeline.js, line 352

# setRowHeight(height)

Set the timeline row height

Name Type Description
height number

The row height in pixels

View Source client/ui/data/timeline.js, line 603

# showFieldsWindow()

Show the window just under the fields selector button

View Source client/ui/data/timeline.js, line 585

# showFilterWindow()

Show the window just under the filter button

View Source client/ui/data/timeline.js, line 594

# showSetupWindow()

Show the window to setup the timeline:

  • source field for the first column
  • source start date field
  • source end date field
  • prefered layout (1 month, 2 months, ...)

View Source client/ui/data/timeline.js, line 398

# showSortWindow()

Show the window just under the sorting button

View Source client/ui/data/timeline.js, line 576

# switchToSearchMode()

Switch to search mode

Show/hide only the necessary buttons in this mode.

View Source client/ui/data/timeline.js, line 620

# updateLayout()

Update the timeline size (recomputes its width and height functions)

View Source client/ui/data/timeline.js, line 336