


A Directory field allows to select users, groups, roles. It also handles API clients, which can be considered as users with specific rights inside an application.

It has some special options compared to the standard field:

  • users: use false to hide users
  • groups: use false to hide groups
  • roles: add custom roles in the list (like "everyone", "nobody, "creator"...)
  • apiClients: use true to show them
  • sortBy: to sort by first name or last name
  • nameOrder: to display the first name or the last name first
  • sortOrder: use "asc" or "desc"
  • displayAsCards: to display the selected users as nice colored card

# new Directory(config)

Name Type Attributes Description
config object
multiple boolean <optional>

True to enable multi-select - Default to true

users boolean <optional>

true to list the users - Default to true

groups boolean <optional>

true to list the groups - Default to true

roles Array.<object> <optional>

list of custom roles like: ["everyone", "authenticated", "creator", "userId", "nobody"]

apiClients boolean <optional>

true to list the API clients - Default to false

sortBy string <optional>

Use "firstName" or "lastName", to sort users according to their first name or last name

nameOrder string <optional>

Use "firstName" or "lastName", to show users like "Smith John" or "John Smith"

sortOrder string <optional>

Use "asc" (default) or "desc", to change the sort order for users and groups

displayAsCards boolean <optional>

true to display values as cards

value string | Array.<string> <optional>

Default value

optionsColor string <optional>

Default color for all options

valueSeparator string <optional>

Character used to display multiple values

inputSeparator string <optional>

Character used to input multiple values

stackValues boolean <optional>

True to render the values one on another

hideInput boolean <optional>

true (default) to automatically hide the input field after a completed search

allowValuesNotInList boolean <optional>

Allow to input a value which is not in the list of options

allowDuplicates boolean <optional>

Allow to input duplicate values. Default to false.

allowClickToDelete boolean <optional>

Add a "cross" icon over the values to delete them. Default to false.

allowSwitchOnOff boolean <optional>

Allow to click on a value to switch it on/off

optionRenderer function <optional>

Custom function to render each option in the list of options

valueRenderer function <optional>

Custom function to render the actual field values

label string <optional>
labelWidth string <optional>
labelPosition string <optional>

left | right | top | bottom

labelAlign string <optional>

left | right

autocomplete boolean <optional>

Set "off" to disable

readOnly boolean <optional>
disabled boolean <optional>


required boolean <optional>


margin string <optional>
padding string <optional>
display string <optional>

flex | inline flex

width string | number <optional>
minWidth string | number <optional>
height string | number <optional>

View Source client/ux/directory/directory.js, line 55



# async _createOptions()

Create the list of options

View Source client/ux/directory/directory.js, line 211