

 * ## Kiss application manager
 * This module allows to:
 * - define and access **models**
 * - define and access **collections**
 * - define **views**
 * - define **controllers**
 * - **init** the application using
 * Once the models and collections are defined, they are stored in the **app** object.
 * ```
 * // Getting models and collections
 * const appModels =
 * const appCollections =
 * // Getting a model definition or a collection
 * const userModel = appModels["user"]
 * const userCollection = appCollections["user"]
 * // Using the model
 * const Bob = userModel.create({firstName: "Bob", lastName: "Wilson"})
 * await
 * // Using the collection if you're not sure it's loaded in memory (async method)
 * const John = await userCollection.findOne("123")
 * // Using the collection if it's already loaded in memory (sync method)
 * const Will = userCollection.getRecord("456")
 * ```
 * @namespace
 */ = {
    isLoaded: false,

    // Reserved namespace for form templates
    formTemplates: {},

    // Reserved namespace for view templates
    viewTemplates: {},

     * Store the application models.
     * [More about models here.](
     * @example
     * const userModel =["user"]
     * // Or...
     * const userModel =
    models: {},

     * Store the application collections.
     * [More about collections here.](
     * @example
     * const userCollection =["user"]
     * // Or...
     * const userCollection =
    collections: {},

     * Define all the application texts that can be translated.
     * Each text will be used as an English text if it doesn't have any english translation.
     * @param {object} texts
     * @example
     *  "hello": {
     *      fr: "bonjour"
     *  },
     *  "#thank": {
     *      en: "thank you",
     *      fr: "merci"
     *  }
     * })
    defineTexts(texts) {
        if (texts) {
            Object.assign(kiss.language.texts, texts)
  `kiss.language - Loaded ${Object.keys(texts).length} translated texts`)

     * Define a new model in the application
     * This automatically:
     * - references the model in ****
     * - references a new collection for the model in ****
     * - references a new record class to instanciate the model
     * - generates the basic api for the record class (create, save, update, delete)
     * - generates getters/setters for record's computed fields (= virtual fields)
     * Check the class [Model documentation]( for more informations about models.
     * @param {object} model - The model configuration object
     * @returns {Model} The newly defined model
    defineModel(model) {
        if ([]) return[]
        return new

     * Define the model relationships
     * This methods explores all the application models and finds automatically the relationships between the models.
     * When exploring the models, specific field types are generating the relationships:
     * - **link**: field used to link one or many foreign records
     * - **lookup**: field that lookups a field in a foreign record
     * - **summary**: field that lookups and summarize data from multiple foreign records
     * @example
    defineModelRelationships() {
            .filter(model =>
            .forEach(model => model._defineRelationships())

     * Get a Model by id or by name
     * Note: if the model is not found, the methods tries to find the model by its name
     * @param {string} modelId - id or name (case insensitive) of the model
     * @returns {object} Model
    getModel(modelId) {
        const model =[modelId]
        if (model) return model

     * Get a Model by name
     * Models are normally retrieved by id like this:
     * ```
     * const projectModel =[modelId]
     * const projectRecord = projectModel.create({projectName: "foo"})
     * ```
     * In some situation, we just know the model name and have to use this method:
     * ```
     * const projectModel ="Project")
     * const projectRecord = projectModel.create({projectName: "foo"})
     * ```
     * @param {string} modelName - The name of the model (case insensitive)
     * @returns {object} Model
    getModelByName(modelName) {
        const model = Object.values( => ( == modelName.toLowerCase()))
        return model

     * Get a Collection by its model's name
     * Collections are normally retrieved by id like this:
     * ```
     * const projectCollection =[collectionId]
     * const projects = await projectCollection.find()
     * ```
     * In some situation, we just know the name of the collection's model, so we have to use this method:
     * ```
     * const projectCollection ="Project")
     * const projects = await projectCollection.find()
     * ```
     * @param {string} modelName - The name of the collection's model (case insensitive)
     * @returns {object} Collection
    getCollectionByModelName(modelName) {
        return Object.values( => ( == modelName.toLowerCase()))

     * List all the application collections.
     * Give their name and number of records.
    listCollections() {
        Object.values( => {
            console.log(`id: ${}, name: ${}, records: ${collection.records.length}`)

     * Define a view by storing its renderer function into the list of view renderers.
     * It does NOT store a view, but instead stores a view 'renderer' function that will generate the view later, when needed.
     * @param {object} config
     * @param {string} - The id of the view to add
     * @param {function} config.renderer - The function that will render the view when needed
     * @param {object} config.meta - Meta informations injected in the HTML header. Can be localized or not. See examples in kiss.views module.
     * @example
     *  id: "home",
     *  renderer: function (id, target) {
     *      // ... build your view here
     *      return createPanel({
     *          id, // Very important. Can't work without it.
     *          target, // Optional insertion point in the DOM. You can omit if you don't need it.
     *          title: "My first panel",
     *          // A few panel properties
     *          draggable: true,
     *          closable: true,
     *          width: 300,
     *          height: 200,
     *          boxShadow: "5px 5px 10px #cccccc",
     *          // Panel content
     *          items: [
     *              {
     *                  type: "html",
     *                  html: "<center>Hello world?</center>",
     *                  // W3C events attached to the html element
     *                  // It works only if you've attached the "hello" viewController (see below)
     *                  events: {
     *                      onclick: function() {
     *                          $(id).hello()
     *                      }
     *                  }
     *              }
     *          ]
     *      })
     *  }
     * })
    }) {

     * Define a controller for a specific view
     * The view controller must have the same name as the controlled view.
     * They will be paired automatically.
     * @param {string} id 
     * @param {object} viewController - Object containing all the controller methods
     * @example
     * // This controller has 4 methods, hello(), world(), foo() and bar()
     *"home", {
     *      hello: function() {
     *          createNotification({
     *              message: "Hello!",
     *              duration: 2000
     *          })
     *      },
     *      // ... or using an arrow function:
     *      world: () => console.log("World!"),
     *      // ... or class member notation:
     *      foo() {
     *          console.log("Foo!")
     *      },
     *      // Methods can be async, too:
     *      async bar() {
     *          return await 42
     *      }
     * })
    defineViewController(id, viewController) {
        kiss.views.addViewController(id, viewController)

     * Add a plugin definition to the application
     * @param {object} plugin 
    definePlugin(plugin) {

     * Init every kiss modules at startup:
     * - init the theme (color/geometry)
     * - init the language
     * - init the screen size observer
     * - restore the session (if any)
     * - init the client router
     * - navigate to the first application view (given by the hash parameter #ui=APP_FIRST_ROUTE)
    async init() {

        // Init the CSS theme at startup

        // Init screen size listener

        // Init the application router

        // Get the requested route
        const newRoute = kiss.router.getRoute()

        // Restore the session (if any, and if it's not a public route)
        if (!kiss.router.isPublicRoute()) await kiss.session.restore()

        // Jump to the first route

        // Welcome message
        console.log("😘 Powered with ❤ by KissJS, Keep It Simple Stupid Javascript")
