* The Rich Text Field derives from [Component](kiss.ui.Component.html).
* It's a simple componant to edit rich text content:
* - headers (h1, h2, h3)
* - bold, italic, underline
* - color
* - lists (ordered, bullet, check)
* - blockquote
* - code block
* - clear formatting
* Encapsulates original Quill inside a KissJS UI component:
* https://quilljs.com
* Current version of local Quill: 2.0.2
* @param {string} [config.value] - Default value
* @param {string} [config.label]
* @param {boolean} [config.readOnly]
* @param {boolean} [config.disabled]
* @param {boolean} [config.required]
* @param {string|number} [config.labelWidth]
* @param {string|number} [config.fieldWidth]
* @param {string} [config.fieldPadding]
* @param {string} [config.labelPosition] - left | right | top | bottom
* @param {string} [config.labelAlign] - left | right
* @param {number} [config.boxShadow]
* @param {integer} [config.width] - Width in pixels
* @param {integer} [config.height] - Height in pixels
* @param {boolean} [config.useCDN] - Set to true to use the CDN version of Quill. Default is true.
* @returns this
* ## Generated markup
* ```
* <a-richtextfield class="a-richtextfield">
* <label class="field-label"></label>
* <div class="field-richtext">
* <!-- Quill editor is here !-->
* </div>
* </a-richtextfield>
* ```
kiss.ux.RichTextField = class RichTextField extends kiss.ui.Component {
* Its a Custom Web Component. Do not use the constructor directly with the **new** keyword.
* Instead, use one of the 2 following methods:
* Create the Web Component and call its **init** method:
* ```
* const myRichTextField = document.createElement("a-richtextfield").init(config)
* ```
* Or use the shorthand for it:
* ```
* const myRichTextField = createRichTextField({
* label: "My rich text field",
* width: 600,
* labelPosition: "top"
* })
* myRichTextField.render()
* ```
* Or directly declare the config inside a container component:
* ```
* const myPanel = createPanel({
* title: "My panel",
* items: [
* {
* type: "richTextField",
* label: "My rich text field",
* width: 600,
* labelPosition: "top"
* }
* ]
* })
* myPanel.render()
* ```
constructor() {
* Generates a label and a rich text editor inside a div container
* @ignore
* @returns {HTMLElement}
init(config = {}) {
this.useCDN = (config.useCDN === false) ? false : true
this.readOnly = !!config.readOnly
this.disabled = !!config.disabled
this.required = !!config.required
this.innerHTML = `
${ (config.label) ? `<label id="field-label-${this.id}" for="${this.id}" class="field-label">
${ (this.isLocked()) ? this.locker : "" }
${ config.label || "" }
${ (this.isRequired()) ? this.asterisk : "" }
</label>` : "" }
<div id="container-${this.id}" class="field-richtext"></div>
// Set properties and styles
this.label = this.querySelector(".field-label")
this.field = this.querySelector(".field-richtext")
this._setProperties(config, [
["width", "minWidth", "height", "flex", "display", "margin", "padding"],
["fieldWidth=width", "maxHeight", "fieldPadding=padding", "boxShadow"],
["fontSize", "labelAlign=textAlign", "labelFlex=flex"],
// Set the default display mode that will be restored by the show() method
this.displayMode = "flex"
// Manage label and field layout according to label position
this.style.flexFlow = "row"
if (config.label) {
// Label width
if (config.labelWidth) this.setLabelWidth(config.labelWidth)
// Label position
this.config.labelPosition = config.labelPosition || "left"
return this
* After render, initialize the "Quill" rich text editor
* Note: the focus and blur management is a bit tricky because the Quill editor doesn't not manage it internally.
* For example, the blur event is triggered when the editor is left, but also when the user clicks on the editor toolbar, which is not the expected behavior.
* To fix this, we have to check if the last "blur" event was inside the editor or the toolbar, an cancel the blur event if it was the toolbar.
* On top of this, the "change" event is triggered on every key press, which is not the standard way for a field.
* We circumvent this by triggering the change event only when the editor is left, and by comparing the previous value with the new one.
* @ignore
async _afterRender() {
if (window.Quill) {
} else {
await this._initRichTextEditor()
// Set initial value + eventually bind record
if (this.config.record) {
} else if (this.config.value) {
if (this.readOnly || this.disabled) {
this.isFirstFocus = true
this.richTextField.root.onfocus = () => {
if (!this.isFirstFocus) return
this.isFirstFocus = false
this.previousValue = this.getValue()
this.dispatchEvent(new Event("focus"))
this.richTextField.root.onblur = () => {
if (!this._isInsideEditor()) {
this.isFirstFocus = true
this.dispatchEvent(new Event("blur"))
const newValue = this.getValue()
if (this.previousValue == newValue) return
if (this.validate()) {
this.setValue(newValue, true)
this.richTextField.on("text-change", () => {
this.richTextField.on("editor-change", () => {
* Load the editor library
* @private
* @ignore
async _initRichTextEditor() {
if (this.useCDN === false) {
// Local (version 2.0.2)
await kiss.loader.loadScript("../../kissjs/client/ux/richTextField/richTextField_quill")
await kiss.loader.loadStyle("../../kissjs/client/ux/richTextField/richTextField_quill")
} else {
// CDN
await kiss.loader.loadScript("https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/quill@2.0.2/dist/quill")
await kiss.loader.loadStyle("https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/quill@2.0.2/dist/quill.bubble")
* Initialize the editor
* @private
* @ignore
_initRichTextField() {
this.richTextField = new Quill("#container-" + this.id, {
theme: "bubble",
modules: {
toolbar: [
["clean", { "header": 1 }, { "header": 2 }, { "header": 3 }],
["bold", "italic", "underline", {color: []}],
[{ "list": "ordered"}, { "list": "bullet" }, { "list": "check" }],
["blockquote", "code-block"]
this.richTextToolbar = this.querySelector(".ql-toolbar")
this.richTextContainer = this.querySelector(".ql-container")
* Bind the field to a record
* (this subscribes the field to react to database changes)
* @private
* @ignore
* @param {object} record
* @returns this
_bindRecord(record) {
this.record = record
this.modelId = record.model.id
this.recordId = record.id
// Set initial value
if (record[this.id]) {
this.initialValue = record[this.id]
// React to changes on a single record of the binded model
subscribe("EVT_DB_UPDATE:" + this.modelId.toUpperCase(), (msgData) => {
if ((msgData.modelId == this.modelId) && (msgData.id == this.recordId)) {
const updates = msgData.data
// React to changes on multiple records of the binded Model
subscribe("EVT_DB_UPDATE_BULK", (msgData) => {
const operations = msgData.data
operations.forEach(operation => {
if ((operation.modelId == this.modelId) && (operation.recordId == this.recordId)) {
const updates = operation.updates
return this
* Update the code editor value internally
* @private
* @ignore
* @param {*} updates
_updateField(updates) {
if (this.id in updates) {
const newValue = updates[this.id]
if (newValue || (newValue === 0) || (newValue === "")) {
* Set the code
* @param {string} newValue
* @param {boolean} [fromBlurEvent] - If true, the update is only performed on binded record, not locally
* @returns this
setValue(newValue, fromBlurEvent) {
if (this.record) {
// If the field is connected to a record, we update the database
this.record.updateFieldDeep(this.id, newValue).then(success => {
// Rollback the initial value if the update failed (ACL)
if (!success) {
this.richTextField.clipboard.dangerouslyPasteHTML(this.initialValue || "")
} else {
// Otherwise, we just change the field value
if (!fromBlurEvent) {
return this
* Get the field value, which is the HTML content
* @returns {string} - The field value
getValue() {
return this.richTextField.getSemanticHTML()
* Validate the field value and apply UI style accordingly
* @returns {boolean} true is the field is valid, false otherwise
validate() {
// Exit if field is readOnly
if (this.config.readOnly) return true
// Required
if (this.required && this.isEmpty()) this.setInvalid()
return this.isValid
* Give focus to the input field
* @returns this
focus() {
return this
* Unset the focus of the input field
* @returns this
blur() {
return this
* Reset the focus
resetFocus() {
setTimeout(() => this.focus(), 100)
* Remove the invalid style
* @returns this
setValid() {
this.isValid = true
return this
* Change the style when the field is invalid
* @returns this
setInvalid() {
log("kiss.ui - field.setInvalid - Invalid value for the field: " + this.config.label, 4)
this.isValid = false
return this
* Check if the field is empty
* @returns {boolean}
isEmpty() {
const value = this.getValue()
const regex = /^(\s*<p>\s*<\/p>\s*)+$/;
return regex.test(value)
* Set the field label
* @param {string} newLabel
* @returns this
setLabel(newLabel) {
if (!this.label) return
this.config.label = newLabel
this.label.innerText = newLabel
return this
* Get the field label
* @returns {string}
getLabel() {
return this?.label?.innerText || ""
* Set the field width
* @param {*} width
* @returns this
setWidth(width) {
this.config.width = width
this.style.width = this._computeSize("width", width)
return this
* Set the color selector field width
* @param {*} width
* @returns this
setFieldWidth(width) {
this.config.fieldWidth = width
this.field.style.width = this._computeSize("fieldWidth", width)
return this
* Set the label width
* @param {*} width
* @returns this
setLabelWidth(width) {
this.config.labelWidth = width
this.label.style.width = this.label.style.maxWidth = this._computeSize("labelWidth", width)
return this
* Get the label position
* @returns {string} "left" | "right" | "top"
getLabelPosition() {
return this.config.labelPosition
* Set label position
* @param {string} position - "left" (default) | "right" | "top" | "bottom"
* @returns this
setLabelPosition(position) {
this.config.labelPosition = position
switch (position) {
case "top":
this.style.flexFlow = "column"
this.field.style.order = 1
case "bottom":
this.style.flexFlow = "column"
this.field.style.order = -1
case "right":
this.style.flexFlow = "row"
this.field.style.order = -1
this.style.flexFlow = "row"
this.field.style.order = 1
return this
* Check if the last blur event was inside the editor
* @private
* @ignore
* @returns {boolean}
_isInsideEditor() {
const { x, y } = kiss.screen.mousePosition
// Check if it was inside the editor
const editorRect = this.richTextField.root.getBoundingClientRect()
const isInsideEditor = (
x >= editorRect.left &&
x <= editorRect.right &&
y >= editorRect.top &&
y <= editorRect.bottom
if (isInsideEditor) return true
// Check if it was inside the toolbar
const toolbarRect = this.richTextToolbar.getBoundingClientRect()
const isInsideToolbar = (
x >= toolbarRect.left &&
x <= toolbarRect.right &&
y >= toolbarRect.top &&
y <= toolbarRect.bottom
if (isInsideToolbar) return true
return false
* Adjust the toolbar position to fix default Quill behavior.
* Center it horizontally inside the editor instead of cropping it when it reaches the window border.
* @private
* @ignore
_adjustToolbarPosition() {
setTimeout(() => {
const tooltip = document.querySelector('.ql-tooltip')
if (!tooltip) return
const componentBounds = this.getBoundingClientRect()
const tooltipWidth = tooltip.offsetWidth
let left = (componentBounds.width / 2) - (tooltipWidth / 2)
if (left < 0) left = 10
if (left + tooltipWidth > window.innerWidth) left = window.innerWidth - tooltipWidth - 10
tooltip.style.left = left + "px"
}, 5)
// Create a Custom Element and add a shortcut to create it
customElements.define("a-richtextfield", kiss.ux.RichTextField)
const createRichTextField = (config) => document.createElement("a-richtextfield").init(config)
* The Code Editor component derives from [Component](kiss.ui.Component.html).
* It allows to write code, embedding the famous Ace Editor.
* @param {object} config
* @param {*} [config.value] - Default value
* @param {string} [config.label]
* @param {string} [config.labelWidth]
* @param {string} [config.fieldWidth]
* @param {string} [config.fieldHeight]
* @param {string} [config.labelPosition] - left | right | top | bottom
* @param {string} [config.labelAlign] - left | right
* @param {boolean} [config.readOnly]
* @param {boolean} [config.disabled]
* @param {boolean} [config.required]
* @param {boolean} [config.draggable]
* @param {string} [config.margin]
* @param {string} [config.display] - flex | inline flex
* @param {string|number} [config.width]
* @param {string|number} [config.height]
* @param {string|number} [config.border]
* @param {string|number} [config.borderStyle]
* @param {string|number} [config.borderWidth]
* @param {string|number} [config.borderColor]
* @param {string|number} [config.borderRadius]
* @param {string|number} [config.boxShadow]
* @param {boolean} [config.showMargin]
* @returns this
* ## Generated markup
* ```
* <a-codeeditor class="a-codeeditor">
* <label class="field-label"></label>
* <div class="code-editor"></div>
* </a-codeeditor>
* ```
kiss.ux.CodeEditor = class CodeEditor extends kiss.ui.Component {
* Its a Custom Web Component. Do not use the constructor directly with the **new** keyword.
* Instead, use one of the 3 following methods:
* Create the Web Component and call its **init** method:
* ```
* const myCodeEditor = document.createElement("a-codeeditor").init(config)
* ```
* Or use the shorthand for it:
* ```
* const myCodeEditor = createCodeEditor({
* label: "Enter your code",
* height: 300
* })
* myCodeEditor.render()
* ```
* Or directly declare the config inside a container component:
* ```
* const myPanel = createPanel({
* title: "My panel",
* items: [
* {
* type: "codeEditor",
* label: "Enter your code",
* height: 300
* }
* ]
* })
* myPanel.render()
* ```
constructor() {
* Generates a Code Editor from a JSON config
* @ignore
* @param {object} config - JSON config
* @returns {HTMLElement}
init(config) {
// Template
this.innerHTML = /*html*/ `
${ (config.label) ? `<label id="field-label-${this.id}" for="${this.id}" class="field-label">
${ (this.isLocked()) ? this.locker : "" }
${ config.label || "" }
${ (this.isRequired()) ? this.asterisk : "" }
</label>` : "" }
<div id="editor-for:${this.id}" class="code-editor"></div>
// Set properties
this.label = this.querySelector(".field-label")
this.field = this.querySelector(".code-editor")
this._setProperties(config, [
["width", "minWidth", "height", "flex", "display", "margin"],
["fieldWidth=width", "fieldHeight=height", "maxHeight", "fieldFlex=flex", "boxShadow", "border", "borderStyle", "borderWidth", "borderColor", "borderRadius"],
["labelAlign=textAlign", "labelFlex=flex"],
// Set the default display mode that will be restored by the show() method
this.displayMode = "flex"
// Manage label and field layout according to label position
this.style.flexFlow = "row"
// The field will be display after ACE component is fully loaded
this.field.style.display = "none"
if (config.label) {
// Label width
if (config.labelWidth) this.setLabelWidth(config.labelWidth)
// Label position
this.config.labelPosition = config.labelPosition || "left"
return this
* Bind the field to a record
* (this subscribes the field to react to database changes)
* @private
* @ignore
* @param {object} record
* @returns this
_bindRecord(record) {
this.record = record
this.modelId = record.model.id
this.recordId = record.id
// Set initial value
if (record[this.id]) {
this.initialValue = record[this.id]
// React to changes on a single record of the binded model
subscribe("EVT_DB_UPDATE:" + this.modelId.toUpperCase(), (msgData) => {
if ((msgData.modelId == this.modelId) && (msgData.id == this.recordId)) {
const updates = msgData.data
// React to changes on multiple records of the binded Model
subscribe("EVT_DB_UPDATE_BULK", (msgData) => {
const operations = msgData.data
operations.forEach(operation => {
if ((operation.modelId == this.modelId) && (operation.recordId == this.recordId)) {
const updates = operation.updates
return this
* Update the code editor value internally
* @private
* @ignore
* @param {*} updates
_updateField(updates) {
if (this.id in updates) {
const newValue = updates[this.id]
if (newValue || (newValue === 0) || (newValue === "")) {
* Insert Ace editor into the Web Component
* @private
* @render
async _afterRender() {
if (!window.ace) {
await kiss.loader.loadScript("../../kissjs/client/ux/codeEditor/ace")
this.editor = ace.edit("editor-for:" + this.id, {
selectionStyle: "text"
autoScrollEditorIntoView: true,
copyWithEmptySelection: false,
showPrintMargin: false,
fontSize: "var(--field-font-size)",
showFoldWidgets: false
// Show hide line number
this.editor.renderer.setShowGutter((this.config.showMargin == false) ? false : true)
// Set Ace to Javascript / Monokai
// Override common events: focus, blur, change
this.editor.on("focus", () => {
this.previousValue = this.editor.getValue()
this.dispatchEvent(new Event("focus"))
this.editor.on("blur", () => {
const newValue = this.editor.getValue()
if (newValue != this.previousValue) this.hasChanged = true
else this.hasChanged = false
this.dispatchEvent(new Event("blur"))
this.editor.session.on("change", () => {
this.dispatchEvent(new Event("change"))
// Set initial value + eventually bind record
if (this.config.record) {
else if (this.config.value) {
this.field.style.display = "block"
setTimeout(() => this.editor.resize(), 50)
* Set the code
* @param {string} newValue
* @param {boolean} [fromBlurEvent] - If true, the update is only performed on binded record, not locally
* @returns this
setValue(newValue, fromBlurEvent) {
if (this.record) {
// If the field is connected to a record, we update the database
this.record.updateFieldDeep(this.id, newValue).then(success => {
// Rollback the initial value if the update failed (ACL)
if (!success) this.editor.setValue(this.initialValue || "")
} else {
// Otherwise, we just change the field value
if (!fromBlurEvent) {
return this
* Get the code
* @returns {string} The image src
getValue() {
if (!this.editor) return ""
return this.editor.getValue()
validate() {
return true
* Insert a text at the current cursor position
* @param {string} text
* @returns this
insert(text) {
const cursorPosition = this.editor.getCursorPosition()
this.editor.session.insert(cursorPosition, text)
return this
* Give focus to the input field
* @returns this
focus() {
return this
* Unset the focus of the input field
* @returns this
blur() {
return this
* Clear the current selection
* @returns this
clearSelection() {
return this
* Set the field label
* @param {string} newLabel
* @returns this
setLabel(newLabel) {
if (!this.label) return
this.config.label = newLabel
this.label.innerText = newLabel
return this
* Get the field label
* @returns {string}
getLabel() {
return this?.label?.innerText || ""
* Set the field width
* @param {*} width
* @returns this
setWidth(width) {
this.config.width = width
this.style.width = this._computeSize("width", width)
return this
* Set the color selector field width
* @param {*} width
* @returns this
setFieldWidth(width) {
this.config.fieldWidth = width
this.field.style.width = this._computeSize("fieldWidth", width)
return this
* Set the label width
* @param {*} width
* @returns this
setLabelWidth(width) {
this.config.labelWidth = width
this.label.style.width = this.label.style.maxWidth = this._computeSize("labelWidth", width)
return this
* Get the label position
* @returns {string} "left" | "right" | "top"
getLabelPosition() {
return this.config.labelPosition
* Set label position
* @param {string} position - "left" (default) | "right" | "top" | "bottom"
* @returns this
setLabelPosition(position) {
this.config.labelPosition = position
switch (position) {
case "top":
this.style.flexFlow = "column"
this.field.style.order = 1
case "bottom":
this.style.flexFlow = "column"
this.field.style.order = -1
case "right":
this.style.flexFlow = "row"
this.field.style.order = -1
this.style.flexFlow = "row"
this.field.style.order = 1
return this
// Create a Custom Element and add a shortcut to create it
customElements.define("a-codeeditor", kiss.ux.CodeEditor)
* Shorthand to create a new Image. See [kiss.ui.Image](kiss.ui.Image.html)
* @param {object} config
* @returns HTMLElement
const createCodeEditor = (config) => document.createElement("a-codeeditor").init(config)
* The aiTextarea derives from [Field](kiss.ui.Field.html).
* **AI** field allows to generate content automatically
* It's basically a textarea field with an extra button to open the AI parameters and prompt
* @param {object} config
* @param {string} [config.iconColorOn] - Icon color
* @param {object} [config.ai] - Optional AI default configuration
* @param {string} [config.ai.who] - Default persona: "-" | "sales manager" | "hr manager" | "marketing manager" | "product manager"
* @param {string} [config.ai.what] - Default task: "-" | "draft a blog post" | "summup a text" | "convert to tweet" | "write an email" | "create user persona" | "create job description"
* @param {string} [config.ai.tone] - Default tone: "casual" | "formal" | "humour" | "ironic"
* @param {string} [config.ai.goal] - Default goal: "-" | "inform" | "persuade" | "inspire"
* @param {number} [config.ai.temperature] - OpenAI creativity, from 0 to 1
* @param {number} [config.ai.max_tokens] - Max number of tokens for OpenAI answer
* @returns this
* ## Generated markup
* ```
* <a-aitextarea class="a-aitextarea">
* <span class="field-label"></span>
* <textarea class="field-input"></textarea>
* </a-aitextarea>
* ```
kiss.ux.AiTextarea = class AiTextarea extends kiss.ui.Field {
* Its a Custom Web Component. Do not use the constructor directly with the **new** keyword.
* Instead, use one of the 3 following methods:
* Create the Web Component and call its **init** method:
* ```
* const myAiTextareaField = document.createElement("a-aitextarea").init(config)
* ```
* Or use a shorthand to create one the various field types:
* ```
* const myAiTextArea = createAiTextareaField({
* label: "I'm a long text field",
* cols: 100,
* rows: 10
* })
* ```
* Or directly declare the config inside a container component:
* ```
* const myPanel = createPanel({
* title: "My panel",
* items: [
* {
* type: "aitextarea",
* label: "I'm an AI textarea"
* }
* ]
* })
* myPanel.render()
* ```
constructor() {
* @ignore
init(config = {}) {
config.type = "aiTextarea"
// Generates the field
// Append a button right after the label
return this
* Add a button to open an AI assistant
* @private
* @ignore
_createAIButton() {
const color = this.config.iconColorOn || "#00aaee"
return createButton({
icon: "far fa-lightbulb",
iconSize: 16,
iconColor: color,
height: 17,
margin: "0 0 0 5px",
padding: "2px 0",
borderWidth: 0,
boxShadow: "none",
iconColorHover: "#ffffff",
backgroundColorHover: color,
action: (event) => {
id: "AI-panel",
title: txtTitleCase("your AI assistant"),
icon: "far fa-lightbulb",
headerBackgroundColor: color,
modal: true,
closable: true,
draggable: true,
width: 500,
align: "center",
verticalAlign: "center",
// Prevent from closing if the user started to work with a prompt
events: {
close: (forceClose) => {
if (forceClose) return true
if ($("prompt").getValue() != "") {
type: "danger",
message: txtTitleCase("are you sure you want to cancel your input?"),
buttonOKPosition: "left",
action: () => $("AI-panel").close("remove", true)
return false
defaultConfig: {
labelPosition: "top",
width: "100%"
items: [{
layout: "horizontal",
defaultConfig: {
flex: 1,
labelPosition: "top"
items: [
id: "who",
type: "select",
label: txtTitleCase("AI profile"),
value: this.config?.ai?.who || "-",
allowValuesNotInList: true,
options: [{
label: txtTitleCase("no profile"),
value: "-",
color: "var(--green)"
}, {
label: txtTitleCase("sales rep"),
value: "sales manager",
color: "var(--red)"
label: txtTitleCase("HR manager"),
value: "hr manager",
color: "var(--purple)"
label: txtTitleCase("marketing manager"),
value: "marketing manager",
color: "var(--blue)"
label: txtTitleCase("product manager"),
value: "product manager",
color: "var(--orange)"
id: "what",
type: "select",
label: txtTitleCase("task"),
value: this.config?.ai?.what || "-",
allowValuesNotInList: true,
options: [{
label: txtTitleCase("free"),
value: "-",
color: "var(--green)"
}, {
label: txtTitleCase("draft a blog post"),
value: "draft a blog post"
label: txtTitleCase("summup a text"),
value: "summup a text"
label: txtTitleCase("convert to Tweet"),
value: "convert to Tweet"
label: txtTitleCase("write an email"),
value: "write an email"
label: txtTitleCase("create user persona"),
value: "create user persona"
label: txtTitleCase("create job description"),
value: "create job description"
layout: "horizontal",
defaultConfig: {
flex: 1,
labelPosition: "top"
items: [
id: "tone",
type: "select",
label: txtTitleCase("tone to use"),
value: this.config?.ai?.tone || "casual",
allowValuesNotInList: true,
options: [{
label: txtTitleCase("casual"),
value: "casual",
color: "var(--green)"
label: txtTitleCase("formal"),
value: "formal",
color: "var(--orange)"
label: txtTitleCase("humour"),
value: "humour",
color: "var(--red)"
label: txtTitleCase("ironic"),
value: "ironic",
color: "var(--purple)"
id: "goal",
type: "select",
label: txtTitleCase("goal"),
value: this.config?.ai?.goal || "-",
allowValuesNotInList: true,
options: [{
label: txtTitleCase("none"),
value: "-",
color: "var(--green)"
}, {
label: txtTitleCase("inform"),
value: "inform",
color: "var(--blue)"
label: txtTitleCase("persuade"),
value: "persuade",
color: "var(--purple)"
label: txtTitleCase("inspire"),
value: "inspire",
color: "var(--red)"
layout: "horizontal",
defaultConfig: {
flex: 1,
labelPosition: "top"
items: [
id: "max_tokens",
label: txtTitleCase("response max length"),
type: "number",
value: Math.min(this.config?.ai?.max_tokens || 1000, 2000) || 1000,
max: 2000
id: "temperature",
label: txtTitleCase("creativity"),
type: "slider",
min: 0,
max: 100,
value: this.config?.ai?.temperature || 50
id: "prompt",
type: "textarea",
label: txtTitleCase("#AI prompt instructions"),
required: true,
rows: 10
type: "button",
text: txtTitleCase("generate content..."),
icon: "fas fa-bolt",
iconColor: "var(--orange)",
margin: "20px 0 0 0",
height: 40,
action: async () => {
if (!$("AI-panel").validate()) {
const data = $("AI-panel").getData()
const prompt = this._preparePrompt(data)
const temperature = Number((data.temperature / 100).toFixed(2))
const result = await this._executePrompt(prompt, temperature, data.max_tokens)
if (!result.success) {
type: "danger",
message: txtTitleCase("#openAI error"),
noCancel: true
await this.setValue(result.data)
$("AI-panel").close("remove", true)
name: "jackInTheBox",
speed: "fast"
* Prepare the prompt with extra parameters.
* @private
* @ignore
* @param {object} config
* @param {string} config.who - AI agent personality
* @param {string} config.what - Task to perform
* @param {string} config.tone - Tone to use when answering
* @param {string} config.goal - Content goal
* @param {string} config.prompt - Free prompt to detail the task
* @returns {string} Prompt with options
}) {
const language = (kiss.language.current == "fr") ? "french" : "english"
let instructions = ""
if (who != "-") instructions += `You are a ${who}. `
if (goal != "-") instructions += `The goal is to ${goal} the reader. `
if (tone != "-") instructions += `The tone must be ${tone}. `
if (what != "-") instructions += `You have to ${what}. `
instructions += `Your answer must be in ${language}. `
instructions += `Data to process using previous requirements: ${prompt}`
return instructions
* Execute the prompt calling OpenAI service
* @private
* @ignore
* @param {string} prompt
* @param {number} temperature - OpenAI temperature (default 0.5)
* @param {number} max_tokens - Max number of tokens for OpenAI answer (default 2000)
* @returns {object} The OpenAI service response, or an error
async _executePrompt(prompt, temperature = 0.5, max_tokens = 2000) {
return await kiss.ajax.request({
url: "/command/openai/createCompletion",
method: "post",
showLoading: true,
timeout: 2 * 60 * 1000, // Give OpenAI 2mn to answer
body: JSON.stringify({
// Create a Custom Element
customElements.define("a-aitextarea", kiss.ux.AiTextarea)
const createAiTextareaField = (config) => document.createElement("a-aitextarea").init(config)
* The aiImage derives from [Field](kiss.ui.Attachment.html).
* **AI** image field allows to generate an image with AI.
* It's basically an attachment dedicated to store images generated by an AI.
* @param {object} config
* @returns this
kiss.ux.AiImage = class AiImage extends kiss.ui.Attachment {
constructor() {
* @ignore
init(config = {}) {
config.type = "aiImage"
config.buttonText = txtTitleCase("generate an image")
return this
* Handle click event
* @private
* @ignore
_initClickEvent() {
this.onclick = function (event) {
if (event.target.classList.contains("field-upload-button")) {
} else if (event.target.classList.contains("display-as-list")) {
} else if (event.target.classList.contains("display-as-thumbnails")) {
} else if (event.target.classList.contains("display-as-thumbnails-large")) {
* Add a button to open an AI assistant
* @private
* @ignore
showPromptWindow() {
const localStorageId = "config-ai-image-prompt-" + this.id
id: "AI-panel",
title: txtTitleCase("#image generator"),
icon: "fas fa-images",
modal: true,
closable: true,
draggable: true,
width: 500,
align: "center",
verticalAlign: "center",
// Prevent from closing if the user started to work with a prompt
events: {
close: (forceClose) => {
if (forceClose) return true
if ($("prompt").getValue() != "") {
type: "danger",
message: txtTitleCase("are you sure you want to cancel your input?"),
buttonOKPosition: "left",
action: () => $("AI-panel").close("remove", true)
return false
defaultConfig: {
labelPosition: "top",
width: "100%"
items: [
id: "size",
type: "select",
label: txtTitleCase("image format"),
value: "1792x1024",
allowValuesNotInList: true,
options: [{
value: "1024x1024",
label: txtTitleCase("square")
}, {
value: "1792x1024",
label: txtTitleCase("landscape")
}, {
value: "1024x1792",
label: txtTitleCase("portrait")
id: "prompt",
type: "textarea",
label: txtTitleCase("#AI image instructions"),
required: true,
rows: 10,
value: localStorage.getItem(localStorageId)
type: "button",
text: txtTitleCase("generate image..."),
icon: "fas fa-bolt",
iconColor: "var(--orange)",
margin: "20px 0 0 0",
height: 40,
action: async () => {
if (!$("AI-panel").validate()) {
// Call the OpenAI service
const data = $("AI-panel").getData()
const result = await this._executePrompt({
prompt: data.prompt,
size: data.size
// Save the prompt for the next time
localStorage.setItem(localStorageId, data.prompt)
if (!result.success) {
type: "danger",
message: txtTitleCase("#openAI error"),
noCancel: true
$("AI-panel").close("remove", true)
name: "jackInTheBox",
speed: "fast"
* Execute the prompt calling OpenAI service
* @private
* @ignore
* @param {string} prompt
* @param {string} size - A size supported by Dall-E (1024x1024, 1792x1024, 1024x1792)
* @returns {object} The OpenAI service response, or an error
async _executePrompt({prompt, size}) {
return await kiss.ajax.request({
url: "/command/openai/createImageToField",
method: "post",
showLoading: true,
timeout: 3 * 60 * 1000, // Give OpenAI 3mn to answer
body: JSON.stringify({
modelId: this.record.model.id,
recordId: this.record.id,
fieldId: this.id,
// Create a Custom Element
customElements.define("a-aiimage", kiss.ux.AiImage)
const createAiImageField = (config) => document.createElement("a-aiimage").init(config)
* The Map derives from [Component](kiss.ui.Component.html).
* Encapsulates original OpenLayers inside a KissJS UI component:
* https://openlayers.org/
* @param {object} config
* @param {float} [config.longitude] - Longitude
* @param {float} [config.latitude] - Latitude
* @param {string} [config.address] - Address
* @param {integer} [config.zoom] - Zoom level (default 10)
* @param {integer} [config.width] - Width in pixels
* @param {integer} [config.height] - Height in pixels
* @param {boolean} [config.showMarker] - Set false to hide the marker. Default is true.
* @param {boolean} [config.useCDN] - Set to false to use the local version of OpenLayers. Default is true.
* @returns this
* ## Generated markup
* ```
* <a-map class="a-map">
* <div class="ol-viewport"></div>
* </a-map>
* ```
kiss.ux.Map = class Map extends kiss.ui.Component {
* Its a Custom Web Component. Do not use the constructor directly with the **new** keyword.
* Instead, use one of the 3 following methods:
* Create the Web Component and call its **init** method:
* ```
* const myMap = document.createElement("a-map").init(config)
* ```
* Or use the shorthand for it:
* ```
* const myMap = createMap({
* width: 300,
* height: 200,
* longitude: 2.3483915,
* latitude: 48.8534951,
* zoom: 15
* })
* myMap.render()
* ```
* Or directly declare the config inside a container component:
* ```
* const myPanel = createPanel({
* title: "My panel",
* items: [
* {
* type: "map",
* width: 300,
* height: 200,
* longitude: 2.3483915,
* latitude: 48.8534951,
* zoom: 15
* }
* ]
* })
* myPanel.render()
* ```
* You can define a map from a geolocation or an address:
* ```
* const myMapFromGeoloc = createMap({
* longitude: 2.3483915,
* latitude: 48.8534951,
* })
* const myMapFromAddress = createMap({
* address: "10 Downing Street, London",
* })
* ```
* For now, the geoencoding is done with Nominatim, which is a free service but has limitations when it comes to the accuracy of the address street number.
constructor() {
* Generates a map from a JSON config
* @ignore
* @param {object} config - JSON config
* @returns {HTMLElement}
init(config = {}) {
// Set default values
config.width = config.width || 300
config.height = config.height || 225
this.zoom = config.zoom || 10
this.longitude = config.longitude
this.latitude = config.latitude
this.address = config.address
this.showMarker = (config.showMarker === false) ? false : true
this.useCDN = (config.useCDN === false) ? false : true
this._setProperties(config, [
["display", "flex", "position", "top", "left", "width", "height", "margin", "padding", "background", "backgroundColor", "borderColor", "borderRadius", "borderStyle", "borderWidth", "boxShadow"],
return this
* Check if the OpenLayers (ol) library is loaded, and initialize the map
* @ignore
async _afterRender() {
if (window.ol) {
} else {
await this.initOpenLayers()
* Load the OpenLayers library
* @ignore
async initOpenLayers() {
if (this.useCDN === false) {
// Local
await kiss.loader.loadScript("../../kissjs/client/ux/map/map_ol")
await kiss.loader.loadStyle("../../kissjs/client/ux/map/map_ol")
} else {
// CDN
await kiss.loader.loadScript("https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/ol@v10.0.0/dist/ol")
await kiss.loader.loadStyle("https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/ol@v10.0.0/ol")
* Initialize the OpenLayers map
* - Create the map
* - Set the target
* - Add a click event to store the click coordinates in the "clicked" property
* @ignore
initMap() {
// Create the map
this.map = new ol.Map({
layers: [
new ol.layer.Tile({
source: new ol.source.OSM(),
view: new ol.View({
zoom: this.zoom
// Insert the map inside the KissJS component
if (this.longitude && this.latitude) {
longitude: this.longitude,
latitude: this.latitude
} else if (this.address) {
// Store the clicked coordinates
// const _this = this
// this.map.on("click", function (evt) {
// const coordinate = evt.coordinate
// const lonLat = ol.proj.toLonLat(coordinate)
// _this.clicked = {
// longitude: lonLat[0],
// latitude: lonLat[1]
// }
// })
* Set a new address on the map
* IMPORTANT: this methods uses Nominatim for geocoding, which is a free service but has limitations when it comes to the accuracy address street number.
* @async
* @param {string} address
* @returns {object} The geolocation object: {longitude, latitude}
* @example
* myMap.setAddress("10 Downing Street, London")
async setAddress(address) {
const geoloc = await kiss.tools.getGeolocationFromAddress(address)
if (!geoloc) return
this.longitude = geoloc.longitude
this.latitude = geoloc.latitude
longitude: this.longitude,
latitude: this.latitude
return {
longitude: this.longitude,
latitude: this.latitude
* Set a new geolocation on the map
* @param {object} geoloc
* @param {number} geoloc.longitude
* @param {number} geoloc.latitude
* @returns {object} The geolocation object
* @example
* myMap.setGeolocation({
* longitude: 2.3483915,
* latitude: 48.8534951
* })
setGeolocation(geoloc) {
try {
this.longitude = geoloc.longitude
this.latitude = geoloc.latitude
const newLonLat = [this.longitude, this.latitude]
const newCenter = ol.proj.fromLonLat(newLonLat)
if (this.showMarker) this.addGeoMarker()
return this
catch(err) {
// Map is not loaded yet
return this
* Add a marker on the map at the current geolocation
* @returns this
addGeoMarker() {
const position = ol.proj.fromLonLat([this.longitude, this.latitude])
const iconStyle = new ol.style.Style({
text: new ol.style.Text({
font: '900 24px "Font Awesome 5 Free"',
text: "\uf3c5",
fill: new ol.style.Fill({
color: "#ff0000"
offsetY: -12
const iconFeature = new ol.Feature({
geometry: new ol.geom.Point(position)
const vectorLayer = new ol.layer.Vector({
source: new ol.source.Vector({
features: [iconFeature]
return this
* Set a new zoom level on the map
* @param {number} zoom
* @returns this
* @example
* myMap.setZoom(15)
setZoom(zoom) {
this.zoom = zoom
return this
* Set the width of the map
* @param {number} width
* @returns this
setWidth(width) {
this.style.width = width
return this
* Set the height of the map
* @param {number} height
* @returns this
setHeight(height) {
this.style.height = height
return this
// Create a Custom Element and add a shortcut to create it
customElements.define("a-map", kiss.ux.Map)
const createMap = (config) => document.createElement("a-map").init(config)
* The Map field derives from [Field](kiss.ui.Field.html).
* **Map** field displays a map with a text field to enter an address or geo coordinates.
* @param {object} config
* @param {string} [config.value] - Default address or geo coordinates like: latitude,longitude
* @param {number} [config.zoom] - Zoom level (default 10, max 19)
* @param {number} [config.mapHeight] - Height (the map width is defined by the field's width)
* @param {number|string} [config.mapRatio] - Ratio between the field width and the map height (default 4/3). Can be a number or a string to evaluate, like: "4/3", "16/9", 1.77, 1.33, 2, etc. Use this property only if the height is not defined.
* @returns this
* ## Generated markup
* ```
* <a-mapfield class="a-mapfield">
* <label class="field-label"></label>
* <input type="text" class="field-input"></input>
* <a-map class="a-map">
* <div class="ol-viewport"></div>
* </a-map>
* </a-mapfield>
* ```
kiss.ux.MapField = class MapField extends kiss.ui.Field {
* Its a Custom Web Component. Do not use the constructor directly with the **new** keyword.
* Instead, use one of the 3 following methods:
* Create the Web Component and call its **init** method:
* ```
* const myMapField = document.createElement("a-mapfield").init(config)
* ```
* Or use a shorthand to create one the various field types:
* ```
* const myMapField = createMapField({
* value: "-21,55",
* zoom: 15,
* width: 600,
* mapHeight: 400
* })
* myMapField.render()
* ```
* Or directly declare the config inside a container component:
* ```
* const myPanel = createPanel({
* title: "My panel",
* items: [
* {
* type: "mapfield",
* value: "-21,55",
* zoom: 15,
* width: 600,
* mapHeight: 400
* }
* ]
* })
* myPanel.render()
* ```
constructor() {
* @ignore
init(config = {}) {
config.type = "mapField"
config.autoSize = true
// Generates the text field to enter the address or geo coordinates
// Ensure the map will be displayed below the field
this.style.flexFlow = "row wrap"
return this
* @ignore
async _afterRender() {
// Insert a map right after the field
// Wait for the OpenLayers library to be loaded
await this._waitForOpenLayers()
// Adjust the map height based on the field width, if no height is defined
if (this.config.mapRatio && !this.config.mapHeight) {
// Set the map's default position
if (this.config.value) {
// Add a button to expand the map fullscreen
* Add a map to the field
* @private
* @ignore
async _createMap() {
let zoom = this.config.zoom || 10
if (zoom > 19) zoom = 19
if (zoom < 1) zoom = 1
this.map = createMap({
zoom: this.config.zoom,
width: this.config.width,
height: this.config.mapHeight
this.map.style.order = 2
this.map.style.flex = "1 1 100%"
* Wait for the OpenLayers library to be loaded
* @private
* @ignore
* @param {number} [maxAttempts=50] - Maximum number of attempts
_waitForOpenLayers(maxAttempts = 50) {
let attempts = 0
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
function checkOpenLayers() {
if (typeof ol !== "undefined") {
} else if (attempts < maxAttempts) {
setTimeout(checkOpenLayers, 100)
} else {
reject(new Error("Could not load openLayers library"))
* Adjusts the map height based on the field width
* @private
* @ignore
_adjustMapRatio() {
this.mapRatio = this.config.mapRatio
if (typeof this.mapRatio == "string") {
const mapRatio = eval(this.mapRatio)
this.mapRatio = (isNaN(mapRatio)) ? (4 / 3) : mapRatio
setTimeout(() => {
const width = this.getBoundingClientRect().width
this.map.setHeight(width * 1 / this.mapRatio + "px")
}, 50)
* Updates the field value internally
* @private
* @ignore
* @param {*} updates
_updateField(updates) {
if (this.id in updates) {
const newValue = updates[this.id]
if (newValue || (newValue === 0) || (newValue === "")) {
this.field.value = newValue
* Add a button to expand the map fullscreen
* @private
* @ignore
_addExpandButton() {
setTimeout(() => {
const fieldMap = this.map
const mapExpandButton = document.createElement("button")
mapExpandButton.innerHTML = "⛶"
mapExpandButton.onclick = () => this.expandMap()
}, 500)
* @ignore
_observeKeys() {
const _this = this
this.field.onkeydown = function (e) {
if (e.key === "Enter") {
* @ignore
_setMapValue(input) {
const geoloc = kiss.tools.isGeolocation(input)
if (geoloc) {
} else {
* Expand the map fullscreen
* @returns this
expandMap() {
let map = createMap({
width: "100%",
height: "100%",
longitude: this.map.longitude,
latitude: this.map.latitude,
zoom: this.map.zoom
title: this.config.label,
closable: true,
position: "absolute",
top: 0,
left: 0,
padding: 0,
width: "100%",
height: "100%",
items: [
return this
* Set a new address on the map
* IMPORTANT: this methods uses Nominatim for geocoding, which is a free service but has limitations when it comes to the accuracy address street number.
* @param {string} address
* @returns this
* @example
* myMapField.setAddress("10 Downing Street, London")
setAddress(address) {
* Set a new geolocation on the map
* @param {object} geoloc
* @param {number} geoloc.longitude
* @param {number} geoloc.latitude
* @returns this
* @example
* myMapField.setGeolocation({
* longitude: 2.3483915,
* latitude: 48.8534951
* })
setGeolocation(geoloc) {
// Create a Custom Element
customElements.define("a-mapfield", kiss.ux.MapField)
const createMapField = (config) => document.createElement("a-mapfield").init(config)
* The chart derives from [Component](kiss.ui.Component.html).
* Encapsulates original Chart.js charts inside a KissJS UI component:
* https://www.chartjs.org/
* @param {object} config
* @param {string} config.chartType - Chart type (bar, line, pie, ... check Chart.js documentation)
* @param {object} config.data - Chart data (https://www.chartjs.org/docs/latest/general/data-structures.html)
* @param {object} config.options - Chart options (https://www.chartjs.org/docs/latest/general/options.html)
* @param {integer} [config.width] - Width in pixels
* @param {integer} [config.height] - Height in pixels
* @param {boolean} [config.useCDN] - Set to false to use the local version of OpenLayers. Default is true.
* @returns this
* ## Generated markup
* ```
* <a-chart class="a-chart">
* <canvas id="chart-id">
* <!-- Chart.js canvas -->
* </canvas>
* </a-chart>
* ```
kiss.ux.Chart = class UxChart extends kiss.ui.Component {
* Its a Custom Web Component. Do not use the constructor directly with the **new** keyword.
* Instead, use one of the 3 following methods:
* Create the Web Component and call its **init** method:
* ```
* const myChart = document.createElement("a-chart").init(config)
* ```
* Or use the shorthand for it:
* ```
* const myChart = createChart({
* chartType: "bar",
* data: {...},
* options: {...},
* width: 300,
* height: 200
* })
* myChart.render()
* ```
* Or directly declare the config inside a container component:
* ```
* const myPanel = createPanel({
* title: "My panel",
* items: [
* {
* type: "chart",
* chartType: "bar",
* data: {...},
* options: {...},
* width: 300,
* height: 200
* }
* ]
* })
* myPanel.render()
* ```
constructor() {
* Generates a chart from a JSON config
* @ignore
* @param {object} config - JSON config
* @returns {HTMLElement}
init(config = {}) {
config.type = "chart"
// Set default values
config.width = config.width || 300
config.height = config.height || 225
this.useCDN = (config.useCDN === false) ? false : true
this.innerHTML = `<canvas id="chart-${this.id}"></canvas>`
this.chartContainer = this.querySelector("canvas")
// Set the style
this.style.display = "flex"
this.style.alignItems = "center"
this.chartContainer.style.flex = 1
this._setProperties(config, [
["flex", "position", "top", "left", "width", "height", "margin", "padding", "background", "backgroundColor", "borderColor", "borderRadius", "borderStyle", "borderWidth", "boxShadow"],
return this
* Check if the Chart.js library is loaded, and initialize the chart
* @ignore
async _afterRender() {
if (window.Chart) {
} else {
await this.initChartJS(this.config)
* Load the OpenLayers library
* @ignore
async initChartJS() {
if (this.useCDN === false) {
// Local
await kiss.loader.loadScript("../../kissjs/client/ux/chart/chartjs")
await kiss.loader.loadScript("../../kissjs/client/ux/chart/chartjs-moment")
await kiss.loader.loadScript("../../kissjs/client/ux/chart/chartjs-moment-adapter")
} else {
// CDN
await kiss.loader.loadScript("https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/chart")
await kiss.loader.loadScript("https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/moment/min/moment-with-locales.min")
await kiss.loader.loadScript("https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/chartjs-adapter-moment", {
autoAddExtension: false
// Set the locale to translate the dates in time series
window.moment.locale(kiss.language.current || "en")
* Initialize the chart
* @ignore
initChart() {
this.chart = new Chart(this.chartContainer, {
type: this.config.chartType,
data: this.config.data,
options: this.config.options
* Refresh the chart with new data and/or options
* @param {object} config
* @param {object} [config.chartType] - New chart type
* @param {object} [config.data] - New chart data
* @param {object} [config.options] - New chart options
refresh({chartType, data, options, width, height}) {
if (chartType != this.charType) {
console.log(width, height)
this.chart = new Chart(this.chartContainer, {
type: chartType,
else {
Object.assign(this.chart.data, data)
Object.assign(this.chart.options, options)
* Destroy the chart
* https://www.chartjs.org/docs/latest/developers/api.html
destroy() {
* Update the chart
* https://www.chartjs.org/docs/latest/developers/api.html
update() {
* Reset the chart
* https://www.chartjs.org/docs/latest/developers/api.html
reset() {
* Resize the chart
* https://www.chartjs.org/docs/latest/developers/api.html
resize() {
* Export the chart to an image
* https://www.chartjs.org/docs/latest/developers/api.html
* @param {string} type - image type (image/png, image/jpeg, image/webp, ...)
* @param {number} quality - 0 to 1
* @returns {string} Base64 image
* @example
* ```
* // Returns a png data url of the image on the canvas
* const imageAsPng = myChart.toBase64Image()
* // Returns a jpeg data url in the highest quality of the canvas
* const imageAsJpg = myChart.toBase64Image("image/jpg", 1)
* ```
toBase64Image(type, quality) {
return this.chart.toBase64Image(type, quality)
* Set the width of the map
* @param {number} width
* @returns this
setWidth(width) {
this.style.width = width
return this
* Set the height of the map
* @param {number} height
* @returns this
setHeight(height) {
this.style.height = height
return this
// Create a Custom Element and add a shortcut to create it
customElements.define("a-chart", kiss.ux.Chart)
const createChart = (config) => document.createElement("a-chart").init(config)
* A *Directory* field allows to select users, groups, roles.
* It also handles API clients, which can be considered as users with specific rights inside an application.
* It has some special options compared to the standard <Select> field:
* - users: use false to hide users
* - groups: use false to hide groups
* - roles: add custom roles in the list (like "everyone", "nobody, "creator"...)
* - apiClients: use true to show them
* - sortBy: to sort by first name or last name
* - nameOrder: to display the first name or the last name first
* - sortOrder: use "asc" or "desc"
* - displayAsCards: to display the selected users as nice colored card
* @param {object} config
* @param {boolean} [config.multiple] - True to enable multi-select - Default to true
* @param {boolean} [config.users] - true to list the users - Default to true
* @param {boolean} [config.groups] - true to list the groups - Default to true
* @param {object[]} [config.roles] - list of custom roles like: ["everyone", "authenticated", "creator", "userId", "nobody"]
* @param {boolean} [config.apiClients] - true to list the API clients - Default to false
* @param {string} [config.sortBy] - Use "firstName" or "lastName", to sort users according to their first name or last name
* @param {string} [config.nameOrder] - Use "firstName" or "lastName", to show users like "Smith John" or "John Smith"
* @param {string} [config.sortOrder] - Use "asc" (default) or "desc", to change the sort order for users and groups
* @param {boolean} [config.displayAsCards] - true to display values as cards
* @param {string|string[]} [config.value] - Default value
* @param {string} [config.optionsColor] - Default color for all options
* @param {string} [config.valueSeparator] - Character used to display multiple values
* @param {string} [config.inputSeparator] - Character used to input multiple values
* @param {boolean} [config.stackValues] - True to render the values one on another
* @param {boolean} [config.hideInput] - true (default) to automatically hide the input field after a completed search
* @param {boolean} [config.allowValuesNotInList] - Allow to input a value which is not in the list of options
* @param {boolean} [config.allowDuplicates] - Allow to input duplicate values. Default to false.
* @param {boolean} [config.allowClickToDelete] - Add a "cross" icon over the values to delete them. Default to false.
* @param {boolean} [config.allowSwitchOnOff] - Allow to click on a value to switch it on/off
* @param {function} [config.optionRenderer] - Custom function to render each option in the list of options
* @param {function} [config.valueRenderer] - Custom function to render the actual field values
* @param {string} [config.label]
* @param {string} [config.labelWidth]
* @param {string} [config.labelPosition] - left | right | top | bottom
* @param {string} [config.labelAlign] - left | right
* @param {boolean} [config.autocomplete] - Set "off" to disable
* @param {boolean} [config.readOnly]
* @param {boolean} [config.disabled] - TODO
* @param {boolean} [config.required] - TODO
* @param {string} [config.margin]
* @param {string} [config.padding]
* @param {string} [config.display] - flex | inline flex
* @param {string|number} [config.width]
* @param {string|number} [config.minWidth]
* @param {string|number} [config.height]
* @returns this
kiss.ux.Directory = class Directory extends kiss.ui.Select {
constructor() {
* @ignore
init(config = {}) {
// Defaults
config.multiple = !!config.multiple
config.optionRenderer = this.optionRenderer
config.allowDuplicates = false
config.allowClickToDelete = true
config.maxHeight = (kiss.screen.isMobile) ? "calc(100% - 32px)" : 420
// Load options for users and/or groups and/or roles
this.showUsers = (config.users !== false)
this.showGroups = (config.groups !== false)
this.showRoles = (Array.isArray(config.roles) && config.roles.length > 0)
this.showApiClients = (config.apiClients === true)
this.roles = config.roles || []
// Define icons for each entry type
this.types = {
user: "fas fa-user directory-user-icon",
group: "fas fa-user-friends directory-group-icon",
role: "fas fa-key directory-role-icon",
api: "fas fa-plug directory-role-icon"
// If true, display values as cards
this.displayAsCards = config.displayAsCards
// Ordering
this.nameOrder = config.nameOrder || "lastName"
this.sortBy = config.sortBy || "lastName"
this.sortOrder = config.sortOrder || "asc"
// Readonly
this.readOnly = !!config.readOnly || !!config.computed
// Generates the <Select> field
if (!this.readOnly) {
// Override click event
this.onclick = function (event) {
const classes = event.target.classList
if (classes.contains("field-select-value-delete")) return this._deleteValueByClick(event)
else if (classes.contains("field-select-value")) return this._showOptions()
else if (classes.contains("field-select-values")) return this._showOptions()
else if (classes.contains("field-select")) return this._showOptions()
else if (classes.contains("field-select-input")) return this._showOptions()
else if (classes.contains("directory-item-initials")) return this._showOptions()
else if (classes.contains("directory-item-title")) return this._showOptions()
else if (classes.contains("directory-item-subtitle")) return this._showOptions()
else if (classes.contains("field-option")) return this._selectOption(event)
return this
* Defines how values are displayed
* @private
* @ignore
_renderValues() {
// Check if the field is empty
let isEmpty = false
if (this.multiple) {
if (this.value && Array.isArray(this.value) && this.value.length == 0) isEmpty = true
} else {
if (this.value === undefined || this.value === "") isEmpty = true
if (isEmpty) {
this.fieldValues.innerHTML = ""
// Set the value renderer
let renderer = (this.displayAsCards) ? (this._renderValueAsCard).bind(this) : (this._renderValue).bind(this)
// Separate values by <br> if the option "stackValues" is true
let htmlSeparator = (this.stackValues) ? "<br>" : ""
this.fieldValues.innerHTML = []
.filter(value => value != "" && value != undefined && value != null)
.map(value => {
let option = this.options.find(option => option.value == value)
if (option) return renderer(option)
if (this.allowValuesNotInList) return renderer({
label: value,
// Adjust the size of the options wrapper depending on the field content
* Default renderer to render a single value
* @private
* @ignore
* @param {object} option
_renderValue(option) {
return /*html*/ `
<div class="field-select-value" value="${option.value}" ${(option.color || this.optionsColor) ? `style="background: ${option.color || this.optionsColor}"` : ""}>
${option.label || option.value}
${(this.allowClickToDelete == true) ? `<span class="field-select-value-delete fas fa-times"></span>` : ""}
* Extended renderer to render a single value
* @private
* @ignore
* @param {object} option
_renderValueAsCard(option) {
let initials = kiss.directory.getUserInitials(option)
let userColor = kiss.directory.getEntryColor(option.value)
return /*html*/ `
<div class="field-select-value directory-item" value="${option.value}">
<span class="directory-item-initials" style="background: ${userColor}">${initials}</span>
<div class="directory-item-infos">
<span class="directory-item-title">${option.label}</span>
<span class="directory-item-subtitle">${option.value}</span>
${(this.allowClickToDelete == true) ? `<span class="field-select-value-delete fas fa-times"></span>` : ""}
* Create the list of options
async _createOptions() {
await this._loadOptions()
* Get the list of possible values from the directory
* @private
* @ignore
_loadOptions() {
if (this.isLoaded) return
this.options = []
if (this.showRoles) {
this.options = this.options.concat(this.roles.map(roleId => kiss.directory.roles[roleId]))
if (this.showUsers != false) this.options = this.options.concat(this.getUsers())
if (this.showGroups == true) this.options = this.options.concat(this.getGroups())
if (this.showApiClients == true) this.options = this.options.concat(this.getApiClients())
this.isLoaded = true
* Get users
* @ignore
* @returns {object[]} Array of users
getUsers() {
return kiss.directory
sortBy: this.sortBy,
sortOrder: this.sortOrder,
nameOrder: this.nameOrder,
onlyActiveUsers: true
.map(user => {
return {
type: "user",
label: user.name,
firstName: user.firstName,
lastName: user.lastName,
value: user.email
* Get groups
* @ignore
* @returns {object[]} Array of groups
getGroups() {
return kiss.directory
.map(group => {
return {
type: "group",
label: group.name,
value: group.id
* Get API clients
* @ignore
* @returns {object[]} Array of API clients
getApiClients() {
return kiss.directory
.map(client => {
return {
type: "api",
label: client.name,
value: client.id
* Defines how options are displayed
* @ignore
optionRenderer(option) {
return `<span class="${this.types[option.type]} field-option-icon" style="color: #00aaee"></span>${option.label}`
// Create a Custom Element and add a shortcut to create it
customElements.define("a-directory", kiss.ux.Directory)
const createDirectory = (config) => document.createElement("a-directory").init(config)
* A *Link* field allows to link records together by picking a foreign record from a list.
* @param {object} config
* @param {object} config.link - Configuration of the link:
* @param {string} config.link.modelId - Id of the foreign model
* @param {string} config.link.fieldId - Id of the field in the foreign model that will be linked
* @param {boolean} [config.canCreateRecord] - Set to false to prevent from creating a new foreign record directly from the Link field. Default = true
* @param {boolean} [config.canLinkRecord] - Set to false to prevent from linking to a new foreign record directly from the Link field. Default = true
* @param {boolean} [config.canDeleteLinks] - Set to false to prevent from deleting links directly from the Link field. Default = true
* @param {boolean} [config.multiple] - True to enable multi-select
* @param {boolean} [config.linkStyle] - "default" or "compact"
* @param {string} [config.label]
* @param {string} [config.labelWidth]
* @param {string} [config.labelPosition] - left | right | top | bottom
* @param {string} [config.labelAlign] - left | right
* @param {boolean} [config.readOnly]
* @param {string} [config.margin]
* @param {string} [config.padding]
* @param {string|number} [config.width]
* @param {string|number} [config.minWidth]
* @param {string|number} [config.height]
* @returns this
* @example
* {
* type: "link",
* id: "customers",
* label: "Customers",
* link: {
* modelId: "customer",
* fieldId: "name"
* },
* multiple: true,
* canCreateRecord: true,
* canLinkRecord: true
* }
kiss.ux.Link = class Link extends kiss.ui.Select {
constructor() {
init(config = {}) {
this.readOnly = !!config.readOnly
this.canCreateRecord = config.canCreateRecord
this.canLinkRecord = config.canLinkRecord
this.canDeleteLinks = config.canDeleteLinks
// Init the foreign table
this.foreignModel = kiss.app.models[config.link.modelId]
this.foreignCollection = this.foreignModel?.collection || {}
this.sort = []
// Init the global table that contains relationships
this.linkModel = kiss.app.models.link
this.linkCollection = this.linkModel.collection
// Implement the default <Select> field
// Overrides default click event
this.onclick = this._handleClick
// Disable the dropdown list that shows options
this._showOptions = () => {}
return this
* Handle the click event
* @private
* @ignore
* @param {object} event
_handleClick(event) {
const classes = event.target.classList
// Clicked on the unlink button
if (classes.contains("field-link-value-delete")) {
if (!this.readOnly) {
const fieldValueElement = event.target.closest("div")
const linkId = fieldValueElement.getAttribute("linkId")
return this._deleteLink(linkId)
// Clicked on a foreign record item
const item = event.target.closest(".field-link-value")
if (item) {
const clickedItem = event.target.closest(".field-link-value")
const recordId = clickedItem.getAttribute("recordId")
return this._openRecord(recordId)
// Clicked on a button
const button = event.target.closest(".a-button")
if (button) {
if (button.classList.contains("field-link-button-link")) return this._linkForeignRecords()
if (button.classList.contains("field-link-button-add")) return this._createAndLink()
if (button.classList.contains("field-link-button-expand")) return this._showForeignRecords()
// Clicked in the buttons area
if (event.target.closest(".field-link-buttons") && this.canLinkRecord && !this.readOnly) {
* Bind the field to a record
* (this subscribes the field to react to database changes)
* @private
* @ignore
* @param {object} record
* @returns this
_bindRecord(record) {
this.record = record
this.modelId = record.model.id
this.recordId = record.id
// React to changes on a single record update of the binded foreign model
const foreignModelId = this.foreignModel.id
subscribe("EVT_DB_UPDATE:" + foreignModelId.toUpperCase(), (msgData) => {
if (msgData.modelId == foreignModelId) {
const recordIds = this.links.map(link => link.recordId)
if (recordIds.includes(msgData.id)) {
// React to changes on foreign records deletions
subscribe("EVT_DB_DELETE:" + foreignModelId.toUpperCase(), (msgData) => {
if (msgData.modelId == foreignModelId) {
const recordIds = this.links.map(link => link.recordId)
if (recordIds.includes(msgData.id)) {
// React to changes on multiple records changes of the binded foreign model
subscribe("EVT_DB_UPDATE_BULK", (msgData) => {
let shouldUpdate = false
const recordIds = this.links.map(link => link.recordId)
const operations = msgData.data
operations.forEach(operation => {
if ((operation.modelId == foreignModelId) && recordIds.includes(operation.recordId)) shouldUpdate = true
if (shouldUpdate) {
// React to changes on link creations
subscribe("EVT_DB_INSERT:LINK", (msgData) => {
if ((msgData.data.rX == this.record.id) || (msgData.data.rY == this.record.id)) {
// React to changes on link deletions
subscribe("EVT_DB_DELETE:LINK", (msgData) => {
const recordIds = this.links.map(link => link.linkId)
if (recordIds.includes(msgData.id)) {
return this
* Get the field value
* @returns {object[]} - The field value, which is an array of foreign records
getValue() {
return this.links || []
* Create a new foreign record then link it directly with the active record
* @private
* @ignore
async _createAndLink() {
// Prevent from linking multiple records if the field is not flagged "multiple"
if (!this.multiple && this.links.length > 0) {
return createNotification(txtTitleCase("#only one link"))
// Creates the new foreign record
let newForeignRecordData = {}
let newForeignRecord
if (!this.config.inherit) {
newForeignRecord = this.foreignModel.create()
else {
// If the inheritance option is enabled,
// each new document created will be pre-filled with the values of the fields of the same name
const model = kiss.app.models[this.modelId]
const sharedFields = model.fields.filter(fX => this.foreignModel.fields.find(
fY => fX.label == fY.label &&
!fX.deleted &&
!fY.deleted &&
!fX.isSystem &&
sharedFields.forEach(field => {
const foreignField = this.foreignModel.getFieldByLabel(field.label)
newForeignRecordData[foreignField.id] = this.record[field.id]
newForeignRecord = this.foreignModel.create(newForeignRecordData, true)
await newForeignRecord.save()
// Display the new record in a form
// Link the 2 records together
await this.record.linkTo(newForeignRecord, this.id, this.config.link.fieldId)
// Update the list of links
* Delete a link to a foreign record
* @private
* @ignore
* @param {string} linkId - id of the record that holds the link
async _deleteLink(linkId) {
title: txtTitleCase("delete a link"),
type: "dialog",
message: txtTitleCase("#delete link"),
colorOK: "var(--red)",
colorCancel: "var(--green)",
action: async () => {
const success = await this.record.deleteLink(linkId)
if (!success) return
this.dispatchEvent(new Event("change"))
* Open a foreign record
* @private
* @ignore
* @param {string} recordId - id of the record to open
async _openRecord(recordId) {
const link = this.links.find(linkInfo => linkInfo.record.id == recordId)
const record = this.foreignModel.create(link.record)
* Show linked foreign records
* @private
* @ignore
async _showForeignRecords() {
const foreignRecords = this.links.map(link => link.record)
createRecordSelectorWindow(this.foreignModel, this.id, foreignRecords, null, {
canSelect: false
* Link a record from the datatable
* @private
* @ignore
* @param {object} record
async _linkRecord(record) {
title: txtTitleCase("#connect records"),
message: txtTitleCase("#connect confirmation"),
icon: "fas fa-link",
action: async () => {
// Note: in this context, "this" is the datatable view associated with the field
const linkField = $(this.config.fieldId)
const success = await linkField._addLink(record)
if (!success) return createNotification(txtTitleCase("#record already linked"))
* Show all the foreign records that can be selected
* @private
* @ignore
async _linkForeignRecords() {
// Prevent from linking multiple records if the field is not flagged "multiple"
if (!this.multiple && this.links.length > 0) {
return createNotification(txtTitleCase("#only one link"))
createRecordSelectorWindow(this.foreignModel, this.id, null, this._linkRecord, {
iconAction: "fas fa-link",
canSelect: false
* Add a link with an existing foreign record
* @private
* @ignore
* @param {object} foreignRecord
* @eturns {boolean} false if the operation failed
async _addLink(foreignRecord) {
// Prevent from selecting a record which is already linked
if (this.links.map(link => link.recordId).includes(foreignRecord.id)) return false
await this.record.linkTo(foreignRecord, this.id, this.config.link.fieldId)
this.dispatchEvent(new Event("change"))
return true
* Get the view configuration
* @private
* @ignore
* @returns {object[]}
_getViewConfig() {
const viewRecord = kiss.app.collections.view.records.find(view => view.modelId == this.foreignModel.id && view.fieldId == this.id)
// Register the field to listen to view changes
if (viewRecord && !this.viewId) {
this.viewId = viewRecord.id
kiss.pubsub.subscribe("EVT_DB_UPDATE:VIEW", msgData => {
if (msgData.id != this.viewId) return
if (msgData.data.sort) this._renderValues()
if (msgData.data.config && msgData.data.config.columns) this._renderValues()
// Assign sort infos
this.sort = (viewRecord) ? viewRecord.sort : this.sort
return (viewRecord) ? viewRecord.config.columns : []
* Load the linked records
* @private
* @ignore
async _loadLinks() {
if (!this.record) {
this.links = []
this.links = await kiss.data.relations.getLinksAndRecords(this.record.model.id, this.record.id, this.id, this.sort)
* Render the current value(s) of the widget
* @private
* @ignore
* @async
async _renderValues() {
const viewConfig = this._getViewConfig()
await this._loadLinks()
const linkButtonId = kiss.tools.shortUid()
const hasLinks = (this.links.length != 0)
const canLinkOtherRecords = (hasLinks && this.multiple != true) ? false : true
const showAddButton = this.record && !this.readOnly && this.canCreateRecord !== false && canLinkOtherRecords
const showLinkButton = !this.readOnly && this.canLinkRecord !== false && canLinkOtherRecords
const showExpandButton = this.multiple && hasLinks
const showButtons = showAddButton || showLinkButton || showExpandButton
const linkButtons = (!showButtons) ? "" : `
<div class="field-link-buttons">
${(showAddButton) ? `<div id="${linkButtonId}" class="a-button field-link-button field-link-button-add"><span class="button-icon fas fa-plus"></span><span class="button-text">${txtTitleCase("new")}</span></div>` : ""}
${(showLinkButton) ? `<div class="a-button field-link-button field-link-button-link"><span class="button-icon fas fa-link"></span><span class="button-text">${txtTitleCase("#select link")}</span></div>` : ""}
${(showExpandButton) ? `<div class="a-button field-link-button field-link-button-expand"><span class="button-icon fas fa-table"></span><span class="button-text">${txtTitleCase("display as table")}</span></div>` : ""}
// No record attached, or no links => just display buttons
if (!this.record || !hasLinks) {
this.fieldValues.innerHTML = linkButtons
// Separate values with <br> if the option "stackValues" is true
let htmlSeparator = (this.stackValues) ? "<br>" : ""
// Get the fields to display in the cards, depending on the config
const isCompact = (this.config.linkStyle == "compact")
const displayLabels = (!["compact", "no labels"].includes(this.config.linkStyle))
let fields = this.foreignModel.getActiveFields()
let fieldsToDisplay = fields
if (isCompact) {
const primaryKeyField = this.foreignModel.getPrimaryKeyField()
fieldsToDisplay = [primaryKeyField || fields[0]]
} else {
if (viewConfig.length > 0) {
fieldsToDisplay = viewConfig
.filter(column => column.hidden != true)
.map(column => fieldsToDisplay.find(field => field.id == column.id))
.filter(field => field)
// Render!
const badge = (isCompact) ? "" : `<div class="field-link-item-badge" style="background: ${this.foreignModel.color}">
<span class="${this.foreignModel.icon}"></span>
this.fieldValues.innerHTML =
linkButtons +
this.links.map(recordInfo => {
return `<div class="field-link-value ${(isCompact) ? "field-link-value-compact" : ""}" recordId="${recordInfo.recordId}" linkId="${recordInfo.linkId}" style="border-color: ${this.foreignModel.color}">
<div class="field-link-record" id="field-link-record:${recordInfo.recordId}">
${this._renderSingleValue(recordInfo.record, fieldsToDisplay, displayLabels)}
${(this.readOnly || !this.canDeleteLinks) ? "" : `<span class="field-link-value-delete fas fa-times"></span>`}
* Render a single value
* @private
* @ignore
* @param {object} record - Record to render
* @returns {string} Html for the value
_renderSingleValue(record, fieldsToDisplay, displayLabels) {
return fieldsToDisplay.map(field => {
// Skip system fields
if (field.isSystem) return ""
// Skip link fields
if (field.type == "link") return ""
let value = record[field.id]
const htmlLabel = (displayLabels) ? `<div class="field-link-item-label">${field.label}</div>` : ""
const htmlValue = kiss.fields.renderers[this.foreignModel.id][field.id]({field, value, record})
return `<div class="field-link-item">
<div class="field-link-item-value">${htmlValue}</div>
* Get the list of possible values from the linked collection
* @private
* @ignore
async _loadOptions() {
if ((!this.foreignCollection) || (!this.config.link.modelId)) {
this.options = []
const options = await this.foreignCollection.find()
this.options = options.map(record => record.id)
// Create a Custom Element and add a shortcut to create it
customElements.define("a-link", kiss.ux.Link)
const createLink = (config) => document.createElement("a-link").init(config)
* A *SelectViewColumn* field allows to select values from a view column
* @ignore
* @param {object} config
* @param {boolean} [config.multiple] - True to enable multi-select - Default to true
* @param {string|string[]} [config.value] - Default value
* @param {string} [config.optionsColor] - Default color for all options
* @param {string} [config.valueSeparator] - Character used to display multiple values
* @param {string} [config.inputSeparator] - Character used to input multiple values
* @param {boolean} [config.stackValues] - True to render the values one on another
* @param {boolean} [config.hideInput] - true (default) to automatically hide the input field after a completed search
* @param {boolean} [config.allowValuesNotInList] - Allow to input a value which is not in the list of options
* @param {boolean} [config.allowDuplicates] - Allow to input duplicate values. Default to false.
* @param {boolean} [config.allowClickToDelete] - Add a "cross" icon over the values to delete them. Default to false.
* @param {boolean} [config.allowSwitchOnOff] - Allow to click on a value to switch it on/off
* @param {function} [config.optionRenderer] - Custom function to render each option in the list of options
* @param {function} [config.valueRenderer] - Custom function to render the actual field values
* @param {string} [config.label]
* @param {string} [config.labelWidth]
* @param {string} [config.labelPosition] - left | right | top | bottom
* @param {string} [config.labelAlign] - left | right
* @param {boolean} [config.autocomplete] - Set "off" to disable
* @param {boolean} [config.readOnly]
* @param {boolean} [config.disabled]
* @param {boolean} [config.required]
* @param {string} [config.margin]
* @param {string} [config.padding]
* @param {string} [config.display] - flex | inline flex
* @param {string|number} [config.width]
* @param {string|number} [config.minWidth]
* @param {string|number} [config.height]
* @returns this
kiss.ux.SelectViewColumn = class SelectViewColumn extends kiss.ui.Select {
constructor() {
* @ignore
init(config = {}) {
// Generates the <Select> field
// View used to retrieve data
this.viewId = config.viewId
// Field to retrieve in the view
this.fieldId = config.fieldId
return this
* Create the list of options
* @private
* @ignore
async _createOptions() {
await this._loadOptions()
* Get the list of possible values from the view column
* @private
* @ignore
async _loadOptions() {
if (this.isLoaded) return
this.options = []
const viewRecord = kiss.app.collections.view.records.find(view => view.id == this.viewId)
const collection = viewRecord.getCollection()
await collection.find()
this.options = collection.records
// Exclude group records
if (collection.group.length > 0) {
this.options = this.options.filter(record => !record.$type)
// Exclude records with empty values
this.options = this.options.filter(record => !!record[this.fieldId])
// Convert records to options
this.options = this.options.map(record => {
const fieldValue = record[this.fieldId]
return {
value: (Array.isArray(fieldValue)) ? fieldValue[0] : fieldValue
// Remove duplicates
this.options = this.options.uniqueObject("value")
// Sort alphabetically
this.options = this.options.sortBy("value")
this.isLoaded = true
// Create a Custom Element
customElements.define("a-selectviewcolumn", kiss.ux.SelectViewColumn)
* A *SelectViewColumns* field allows to select a record in a view, and assign values to multiple fields at once:
* - this field
* - other fields of the same record
* The field value is set by getting the value of the foreign field which id is fieldId[0].
* The other fields are set by comparing their label:
* - if the foreign field has the same label as a field inside the record, it's a match: the local field is set
* - otherwise, the foreign field is skipped
* Example:
* - you pick a product in a view showing all products
* - it assigns the product name, product category and unit price at the same time
* - if extra fields are present in the foreign record but not in the local record, they are skipped
* @ignore
* @param {object} config
* @param {string} [config.viewId] - The view to pick records in. Use this or collectionId.
* @param {string} [config.collectionId] - The collection to pick records in. Use this or viewId.
* @param {string[]} config.fieldId - Ids of the fields which will be set when picking a record
* @param {string|string[]} [config.value] - Default value
* @param {string} [config.optionsColor] - Default color for all options
* @param {boolean} [config.allowValuesNotInList] - Allow to create a new entry in the view
* @param {function} [config.optionRenderer] - Custom function to render each option in the list of options
* @param {function} [config.valueRenderer] - Custom function to render the actual field values
* @param {string} [config.label]
* @param {string} [config.labelWidth]
* @param {string} [config.labelPosition] - left | right | top | bottom
* @param {string} [config.labelAlign] - left | right
* @param {boolean} [config.readOnly]
* @param {boolean} [config.disabled]
* @param {boolean} [config.required]
* @param {string} [config.margin]
* @param {string} [config.padding]
* @param {string} [config.display] - flex | inline flex
* @param {string|number} [config.width]
* @param {string|number} [config.minWidth]
* @param {string|number} [config.height]
* @returns this
kiss.ux.SelectViewColumns = class SelectViewColumns extends kiss.ui.Select {
constructor() {
* @ignore
init(config = {}) {
// Generates the <Select> field
// View used to retrieve data
// OR
// Collection used to retrieve data
this.viewId = config.viewId
this.collectionId = config.collectionId
// Field to retrieve in the view
this.fieldId = config.fieldId[0]
// Other fields to set automatically
this.otherFieldIds = config.fieldId.slice(1)
// Allow to create a new value if necessary
this.allowValuesNotInList = !!config.allowValuesNotInList
// Overrides default click event
this.onclick = this._handleClick
// Disable the dropdown list that shows options
this._showOptions = () => {}
return this
* Handle the click event
* @private
* @ignore
* @param {object} event
async _handleClick(event) {
if (event.target.classList.contains("field-label")) return
* Show the view to pick records in
* @private
* @ignore
async _showView() {
const _this = this
let collection, columns, sort, filter, group, viewRecord
if (this.viewId) {
viewRecord = await kiss.app.collections.view.findOne(this.viewId)
this.viewModel = kiss.app.models[viewRecord.modelId]
collection = this.viewModel.collection
columns = this.viewModel.getFieldsAsColumns()
sort = viewRecord.sort
filter = viewRecord.filter
group = viewRecord.group
else if (this.collectionId) {
collection = kiss.app.collections[this.collectionId]
this.viewModel = kiss.app.models[collection.modelId]
columns = this.viewModel.getFieldsAsColumns()
sort = []
filter = {}
group = []
else {
// Exit if no viewId or collectionId have been provided
// Build the datatable
const datatable = createDatatable({
collection: this.viewModel.collection,
sort: sort,
filter: filter,
group: group,
canEdit: false,
canSelect: false,
canAddField: false,
canEditField: false,
canCreateRecord: this.allowValuesNotInList,
showActions: false,
columns: columns,
color: this.viewModel.color,
height: () => kiss.screen.current.height - 250,
methods: {
selectRecord: async function(record) {
await _this.setValue(record)
// Creates a new blank record
async createRecord(model) {
const record = model.create()
const success = await record.save()
if (!success) return
// Build the panel to embed the datatable
modal: true,
closable: true,
// Header
title: "<b>" + this.viewModel.namePlural + "</b>",
icon: this.viewModel.icon,
headerBackgroundColor: this.viewModel.color,
// Size and layout
display: "flex",
layout: "vertical",
width: () => kiss.screen.current.width - 200,
height: () => kiss.screen.current.height - 200,
align: "center",
verticalAlign: "center",
autoSize: true,
items: [datatable]
* Set the value of the field + other connected fields.
* @ignore
* @param {object} record
* @returns this
async setValue(record) {
let mapping = this.otherFieldIds.map(viewFieldId => {
let label = this.viewModel.getField(viewFieldId).label
let localField = this.record.model.getFieldByLabel(label) || {}
return {
id: localField.id,
}).filter(map => map.id)
let update = {}
update[this.id] = record[this.fieldId]
mapping.forEach(map => update[map.id] = record[map.viewFieldId])
await this.record.updateDeep(update)
return this
// Create a Custom Element
customElements.define("a-selectviewcolumns", kiss.ux.SelectViewColumns)