

 * The Map derives from [Component](kiss.ui.Component.html).
 * Encapsulates original OpenLayers inside a KissJS UI component:
 * Current version of local OpenLayers: 10.0.0
 * @param {object} config
 * @param {float} [config.longitude] - Longitude
 * @param {float} [config.latitude] - Latitude
 * @param {string} [config.address] - Address
 * @param {integer} [config.zoom] - Zoom level (default 10)
 * @param {integer} [config.width] - Width in pixels
 * @param {integer} [config.height] - Height in pixels
 * @param {boolean} [config.showMarker] - Set false to hide the marker. Default is true.
 * @param {boolean} [config.useCDN] - Set to false to use the local version of OpenLayers. Default is true.
 * @returns this
 * ## Generated markup
 * ```
 * <a-map class="a-map">
 *  <div class="ol-viewport"></div>
 * </a-map>
 * ```
kiss.ux.Map = class Map extends kiss.ui.Component {
     * Its a Custom Web Component. Do not use the constructor directly with the **new** keyword.
     * Instead, use one of the 3 following methods:
     * Create the Web Component and call its **init** method:
     * ```
     * const myMap = document.createElement("a-map").init(config)
     * ```
     * Or use the shorthand for it:
     * ```
     * const myMap = createMap({
     *  width: 300,
     *  height: 200,
     *  longitude: 2.3483915,
     *  latitude: 48.8534951,
     *  zoom: 15
     * })
     * myMap.render()
     * ```
     * Or directly declare the config inside a container component:
     * ```
     * const myPanel = createPanel({
     *   title: "My panel",
     *   items: [
     *       {
     *          type: "map",
     *          width: 300,
     *          height: 200,
     *          longitude: 2.3483915,
     *          latitude: 48.8534951,
     *          zoom: 15
     *       }
     *   ]
     * })
     * myPanel.render()
     * ```
     * You can define a map from a geolocation or an address:
     * ```
     * const myMapFromGeoloc = createMap({
     *  longitude: 2.3483915,
     *  latitude: 48.8534951,
     * })
     * const myMapFromAddress = createMap({
     *  address: "10 Downing Street, London",
     * })
     * ```
     * For now, the geoencoding is done with Nominatim, which is a free service but has limitations when it comes to the accuracy of the address street number.
    constructor() {

     * Generates a map from a JSON config
     * @ignore
     * @param {object} config - JSON config
     * @returns {HTMLElement}
    init(config = {}) {

        // Set default values
        config.width = config.width || 300
        config.height = config.height || 225
        this.zoom = config.zoom || 10
        this.longitude = config.longitude
        this.latitude = config.latitude
        this.address = config.address
        this.showMarker = (config.showMarker === false) ? false : true
        this.useCDN = (config.useCDN === false) ? false : true


        this._setProperties(config, [
                ["display", "flex", "position", "top", "left", "width", "height", "margin", "padding", "background", "backgroundColor", "borderColor", "borderRadius", "borderStyle", "borderWidth", "boxShadow"],

        return this

     * Check if the OpenLayers (ol) library is loaded, and initialize the map
     * @ignore
    async _afterRender() {
        if (window.ol) {
        } else {
            await this.initOpenLayers()

     * Load the OpenLayers library
     * @ignore
    async initOpenLayers() {
        if (this.useCDN === false) {
            // Local (OpenLayers v10)
            await kiss.loader.loadScript("../../kissjs/client/ux/map/map_ol")
            await kiss.loader.loadStyle("../../kissjs/client/ux/map/map_ol")
        } else {
            // CDN
            await kiss.loader.loadScript("")
            await kiss.loader.loadStyle("")

     * Initialize the OpenLayers map
     * - Create the map
     * - Set the target
     * - Add a click event to store the click coordinates in the "clicked" property
     * @ignore
    initMap() {
        // Create the map = new ol.Map({
            layers: [
                new ol.layer.Tile({
                    source: new ol.source.OSM(),

            view: new ol.View({
                zoom: this.zoom

        // Insert the map inside the KissJS component

        if (this.longitude && this.latitude) {
                longitude: this.longitude,
                latitude: this.latitude
        } else if (this.address) {

        // Store the clicked coordinates
        // const _this = this
        //"click", function (evt) {
        //     const coordinate = evt.coordinate
        //     const lonLat = ol.proj.toLonLat(coordinate)
        //     _this.clicked = {
        //         longitude: lonLat[0],
        //         latitude: lonLat[1]
        //     }
        // })

     * Set a new address on the map
     * IMPORTANT: this methods uses Nominatim for geocoding, which is a free service but has limitations when it comes to the accuracy address street number.
     * @async
     * @param {string} address 
     * @returns {object} The geolocation object: {longitude, latitude}
     * @example
     * myMap.setAddress("10 Downing Street, London")
    async setAddress(address) {
        const geoloc = await
        if (!geoloc) return

        this.longitude = geoloc.longitude
        this.latitude = geoloc.latitude

            longitude: this.longitude,
            latitude: this.latitude

        return {
            longitude: this.longitude,
            latitude: this.latitude

     * Set a new geolocation on the map
     * @param {object} geoloc
     * @param {number} geoloc.longitude
     * @param {number} geoloc.latitude
     * @returns {object} The geolocation object
     * @example
     * myMap.setGeolocation({
     *  longitude: 2.3483915,
     *  latitude: 48.8534951
     * })
    setGeolocation(geoloc) {
        this.longitude = geoloc.longitude
        this.latitude = geoloc.latitude

        const newLonLat = [this.longitude, this.latitude]
        const newCenter = ol.proj.fromLonLat(newLonLat)

        if (this.showMarker) this.addGeoMarker()
        return this

     * Add a marker on the map at the current geolocation
     * @returns this
    addGeoMarker() {
        const position = ol.proj.fromLonLat([this.longitude, this.latitude])

        const iconStyle = new{
            text: new{
                font: '900 24px "Font Awesome 5 Free"',
                text: "\uf3c5",
                fill: new{
                    color: "#ff0000"
                offsetY: -12

        const iconFeature = new ol.Feature({
            geometry: new ol.geom.Point(position)

        const vectorLayer = new ol.layer.Vector({
            source: new ol.source.Vector({
                features: [iconFeature]
        return this

     * Set a new zoom level on the map
     * @param {number} zoom
     * @returns this
     * @example
     * myMap.setZoom(15)
    setZoom(zoom) {
        this.zoom = zoom
        return this

     * Set the width of the map
     * @param {number} width 
     * @returns this
    setWidth(width) { = width
        return this

     * Set the height of the map
     * @param {number} height 
     * @returns this
    setHeight(height) { = height
        return this

// Create a Custom Element and add a shortcut to create it
customElements.define("a-map", kiss.ux.Map)
const createMap = (config) => document.createElement("a-map").init(config)
